Is Running A Con Game To Deceive & Defraud You

 Oct, 09 - 2018   4 comments   ReviewsScams

Website Details:


  • Discovery: The Discovery section shows you new profiles.
  • Home: The Home section shows you various updates from various members of the site.
  • Messages: The Messages section shows you messages from other members.
  • Contacts: The Contact section shows you members that you’ve added to your list.
  • Profile: The Profile page shows you your own dating profile where you can edit it.
  • Activity: The Activity section shows you notifications like when women have liked your profile, mutual likes, visitors to your dating profile and females that you like.
  • TOP-Users: The Top Users section shows you the top girls at that specific hour.

Overview is what we call a cookie cutter website. This is a website that looks exactly the same as other dating sites. The graphics are all the same, the layout is all the same, the features and all the functionality are all identical only one thing ever changes with these cookie cutter websites and that’s the domain name. Babes2Date looks exactly like, and as well as and All 5 of these sites look the same. The majority of the sites are owned by the same corporation (, they have the same physical address and as you will see Babes2Date is in fact a scam disguised to appear to be a real dating service.

The Use Of Chat Bots Is Admitted To On The “Risk Notice” Page

On they have a section called “Risk Notice”. In this section of the website they discuss and outline how they use “artificial intelligence” as well as something called chatbots to send you communications. Communications include instant messages and emails. They admit that these chat bots are not real people, they’re completely automated computer programs sending you computer-generated messages. .

If you’re wondering exactly what a chatbot is, it’s a computer program / artificial intelligence that converses with you when you’re on the website. These chat bot programs are designed to simulate real human beings though obviously they’re nothing more than an automated computer programming software bot sending you messages. These chat bots are used not only to make it seem like real women are interacting with you but to get you to buy a membership on the website. Because obviously the more messages you received the more likelihood it is that you will try to reply back to the fake messages I which time you will be asked to purchase a monthly membership.

Phony Dating Profiles Are Created By The Site

In section 11 of the terms and conditions page they also confessed that they create profiles which are maintained and operated by their own employees. They call these fictitious dating profiles “Staff Profiles”.

Unfortunately Babes2Date doesn’t have any real females. This website was built upon a foundation of lies and this all starts with the fictitious profiles that they admit to creating. A dating site without real women is useless. There’s absolutely no point in joining this website because it’s a fraud. What point is there to waste time registering on a dating service that doesn’t have legitimate female dating profiles?

Probably the worst thing about the fake profiles is you can’t tell which women are real and which ones are phony. But in reality there are very, very few legitimate dating profiles on this website. There are lots of real male profiles but all of the female profiles have being created by the website owners. And, Below we have even more incriminating evidence showing where some of the fake profiles are stealing their profile pictures from.

Screenshot of the Fake Profiles Found On The Site

Below we’ve included examples of some of the pretend profiles that we’ve come across on the website. Not only have we taken screenshots of the phony profiles but we’ve also included links to where you can find those exact same fake dating profiles on the websites where they took the photos from. The photographs are real obviously but it’s just that the women in these dating profiles have not joined Their photographs have been ripped off from other websites and then the employees who work at Babes2Date create fake profiles and fill out all the personal information to make it seem like these are real women looking for casual encounters. The end result of courses hundreds of bogus women plastered all over their website.

(This a screenshot of a phony profile, we’ve included the corresponding links where the fake profile picture was stolen from.)


(This a screenshot of a pretend profile with links showing where the real photo was taken from.)


( Another fake profile using a photograph that we found on numerous other websites.)


( A fake profile that we found on other websites.)


(Phony profile page using a picture stolen from other sites.)


Phony Messages From Phony Women

Below you can see that we’ve included a screenshot of 6 email messages we received on the website. All of these messages have been sent from chat bots. None of these messages is real. As you can see three of the women complimented us on our photo. The only problem is that we don’t have a profile photo uploaded to our profile page. This just proves along with their risk notice statement that it’s all fake. Why are they emailing us telling us we have a nice photo in our profile when we don’t even have any photographs on our profile? It’s because it’s all a sham!

(Screenshot of the 6 fake email messages we received on the website.)

Our Profile Page Has No Photos In It

We’ve included a screenshot of our profile page. Circled in red you will see that we haven’t even uploaded one photograph to our dating profile but somehow six different women decided to email us, three of them telling us how much they like the photos in our profile. This is more evidence proving that the site is phony. We’ve seen this tactic time and time again where phony dating sites use automated bots to send their members fictitious messages.

(Screenshot showing that we have no photos on our profile but still 6 women emailed us.)

The Terms Page & Risk Notice Page

Below we’ve included the most important parts of the terms and conditions page as well as the risk notice page. You can read for yourself how the website confesses to operating profiles that have been created by their own employees. On top of that they also openly admit that they use chat bots throughout their website.

If you want to go to the terms and conditions page visit section 11 to read about the phony profiles that they create. If you want to visit visit the risk notice page click here. Or you can read the information below.

  • We may, from time to time, create profiles which are created, maintained ,  and managed by our employees (“Staff Profiles”). The purpose of these Staff Profiles is to enable us to ensure our Services are operating properly by testing the Services, features ,  and functionalities, and to research our products and Services. All Staff Profiles will be identifiable as such and ,  in the event that you opt to communicate or interact with a Staff Profile ,  you will be made aware of the nature of this Staff Profile.
  • Because Registering of chatbots as Users you may communicate with Users who are chatbots, normally during the hours of low attendance (“Impersonation”). In other words, this means that there is a risk that on our Website, as well as on the websites of many of our competitors you might be communicating with User who is not real person.
  • we may register chatbots as Users so that you may continue using Website and chatting with other Users uninterruptedly when the number of active Users is decreasing. Such chatbots are labeled with (cb) sign in the upper right corner of profile picture

Hosting Server Info:

Contact Information For

Final Decision:

We hope you found our review Babes2Date informative and eye-opening. Hopefully you found our review before you joined the website and wasted money and time there. Do you have any experience with this website please leave a comment below.

Something you should know is that you if you’ve been scammed apparently you can request a refund. We’re not sure if they are going to refund you as a result of the chat bots that they are using to trick you but it’s worth a shot. If you want to refund you need to email them at [email protected]. You can read about their refund policy by clicking on this link.

Search For Females

If you want to find real women, then look at these real dating sites.

File A Report

  • Contact the Better Business Bureau and file a complaint if you feel that you have been scammed or ripped off.

 Comments 4 comments

  • John Lindquist says:

    I want my account cancelled now or it will be a problem for you guys 

  • […] to three different sites that we've already exposed for being fake. These sites include,,,,, and, all of which are owned and oeprated by […]

  • lovelylouisa says:

    ok interested

  • pratap raju says:

    sir ihave forget my password, pl reset

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