Using The Same Gimmicks & Dirty Tricks To Defraud People

Website Details:
- $4.24 for a 3 day trial renewing at $39.99 a month.
- $19.99 for a monthly membership.
- $81.39 for a 3 month membership.
- $137.06 for a 12 month membership.
- Search: You can use the search functions to search for other members according to their gender, their age, their location, if they have photos and if they are online now. You can also use a more extensive search to search based on ethnicity, marital status, eye color, hair color, if they have tattoos and piercings. You can also a search based on religion, education, sexual orientation, income, if they drink or smoke and lastly their body type.
- Inbox:The inbox of course is where you can send in reply to email messages from other members of the site.
- Messages: The messenger section of the site enables you to receive and reply to instant messages from other members of this website.
- Notifications: The notifications tab shows you who has winked at you.
Every time we turn a corner or blink an eye there's a new dating scam popping up. Some of these dating networks are notorious for creating hundreds of phony dating sites. It's like playing whack-a-mole, when you expose one scam a new scam pops up. is the latest website targeting online dating users. In this investigation we will uncover all the lies and show you all the facts. We will provide screenshots as well as evidence directly from the Delight Sexy's own terms and conditions page. All of this is an effort to prove to you that DelightSexy isn't a legitimate web service to interact and find real women. Read the full review below.
Auto Generated Instant Messages
The owners of Delight Sexy have a playbook they go by, an operating manual for phony dating services. The first thing that always happens after we've created our membership and logged into the members area is the instant messages start coming in. The instant messages are computer generated and are part of a large scheme to get people to interact with the site more. What this means is they use automatically-generated instant chat messages being sent to members from computer robots also known as bots. The computer bots are built for one reason and that's to send artificial email messages that look real. You can never tell that a computer sent you the message and that's the way the computer programmers have designed this software. They try to mimic what a real female would say to a guy on a dating service. It's all one big massive trap to get people to pay for monthly subscription to this faux hookup site. All of this is openly admitted to in the terms page (section #1) that they use a pop-up notification system to send activity alerts to you and some of these auto-generated messages require you to have an upgraded subscription to their website.
(Screenshot of some of 13 auto generated messages.)
8 Emails NOT Legit Messages Used As A Scheme To Trick People Into Upgrading
In the terms and conditions page they talk about using an automatic pop-up notification to send all sorts of communications to people this includes instant messages as well as email messages. You can take a look at the screenshot below where it shows that we received eight email messages so far. All the messages are computer-generated there's no real girl sitting behind a computer chatting with us. But that's what the website owners want you to believe. They want you to think that there's hot horny girls emailing you wanting to hook up with you. All you need to do is pull your credit card pay for that monthly membership and you're going to get laid. But it's all lie and a trick. Thousands of men fall for these ridiculous scams not knowing that there are computers using artificial intelligence that can send you email messages that look like they're being sent from real women.
Another fact that we need to point out is that the profile that we created for was empty. Further down in this investigation you will see a screenshot that shows we have never uploaded a single photograph to the profile we created for our review. And on top of that we made ourselves to appear to be an 66 year old man. Can anyone explain to me why we would be getting 8 different emails from attractive looking women in their twenties and thirties. You can take a look at the email messages that we received in our inbox. Look at the photos of those women why would those women want to email a 66 year old man who doesn't even have any pictures in his profile let alone he's old enough to be their grandfather. It doesn't make much sense to us, does it make any sense to you? Obviously this is all a charade and a well thought-out manipulation to trick people into paying for a membership on the site. There's no doubt about it and anyone with common sense can see right through this garbage.
(A screenshot of the 8 auto generated emails that we received.)
Why Would Anyone Email A Guy Who Doesn't Have Any Photos In His Profile?
Below we have included another screenshot showing the seven fake notifications that we got. The notifications consists of women winking at us. Why are these women actually winking at us when as we've already explained our profile is blank?. They have no clue what the hell we look like but for some reason they're winking at us and sending us emails and instant messages. We know the reason, it's because all of this is sent using computer software programs. We're just trying to provide you as much evidence as possible so there is no doubt in your mind that this website is a charade and a con.
(A screenshot of the 7 auto generated emails that we received.)
(Screenshot of a fake profile found on
(Screenshot of a fake profile found on
(Screenshot of a fake profile found on
This particular photograph has been listed as a romance scammer on numerous romance scam websites. She is also found to be a webcam model. Take a look at the links below to see what we're talking about.
Whos' Creating The Fake Profiles?
So who's responsible for the fake profiles is it third-party individuals like romance scammers from Africa creating the fake profiles or is it the website themselves that are creating bogus profile pages as one of their tools to scam people? With our experience writing hundreds of dating reviews 99% of the time it's the dating site that's responsible for creating the bogus profiles. All you need to do is ask yourself who has the most to gain from the use of fake profiles? If you look at the evidence that the website openly admits that they're using automated computer software programs to send you email messages how far-fetched is it to think that these are the same people responsible for creating pretend profiles on their own dating site. It seems like a very solid connection and we would have to place our bets that the website is responsible for creating their own sham profiles.
The Terms And Conditions Reveals Their Deceptive Intentions
The terms and conditions page is a great piece of evidence because this is written by the website's owners. It's a great way to prove how illegitimate the site is. In the terms and conditions they confess that they use an "automated pop-up notification system and other communications channels such as emails and instant messages to send activity alerts". They also confessed that some of these activity alerts such as emails and instant messages require you to pay for a membership. You can read the most important parts of the terms and conditions page below or click on this link to read it directly on their own website.
To boost interaction between our members and in order to notify them of newly registered matches and any activity of that new user (i.e. registration, photo upload etc.) we may, from time to time, use an automatic pop up notification system and other communication channels e.g. inbox or instant messages to send Activity Alerts to you.
…Some auto generated Activity Alerts may require an upgraded Paid Membership in order to see the content of message and reply to it.
Hosting Server Info:
- Address Of Host: Vincenti Buildings, 28/19 (Suite # 1374) Strait Street, Valletta VLT143, Malta
- IP Address Of Server:
- Name Servers: NS1.ROPOT.NET, NS2.ROPOT.NET
Contact Information:
- Phone: 1-800-867-3170
- Addresses: Nelfor Services Limited, P.O. Box 146 Trident Chambers, Road Town, Tortola, British Virgin Islands;
- Email: [email protected]
- Support Page:
Final Decision:
We've laid everything out for you, the evidence, the screenshots and the proof. The choice is yours. If you found our information useful please share it on social media. Help us get the word out about If you have any information, if you're a previous member who has more proof of wrong doing or if you want to leave a comment do it below.
Search For Females:
If you want to search for real women, then look at these legitimate dating sites.
File A Report
- Contact the Better Business Bureau and file a complaint if you feel that you have been scammed or ripped off.
Yeah it all sounded good, now that I SEE THE PROOF OF THE SCAM I will be more careful for sure…