Does Use Images Of Models In The Profiles?

 Dec, 11 - 2014   2 comments   ReviewsScams

Website Details: home page

Overview just like are both redirecting people to is used to drive traffic to the real dating site which in this case is We have already reviewed Asian Date and determinded it to be a questionable site. You can read the full report on that site here.

Why This Site Should Be Used With Caution

The emails on / now add up to 67 emails (see evidence below) from "interested Asian women"! If we were to respond to every single email it would cost $267.33! There are a couple of problems with receiving 67 emails. It may seem great that 67 different women are interested in chatting with us but of course this all costs money. And at $4 per email it can add up to quite a bit of money. The second problem and the biggest problem is how do we know that these women are legitimate? These girls could easily be totally fabricated to make it appear as if they are legitimate members of the site but the truth could be that they are not real women at and the photographs could be of paid models not regular women.


What Other People Say About These Sites

We did some digging on Google and it seems that the photographs in the dating profiles are in fact paid models. Some of the information that we found said that members have actually communicated with people who work at the site and they actually verify that this is very true. We cannot verify if this is true or false. However if you look at the amount of money that can be gained from using fictitious profiles it can seem very easy to understand why this is a real possibility.

And realistically who would have the most to gain from all of this, it would be the website owners. You take into account it would cost of roughly $267 to communicate back to the 67 emails, how much money would the web site owners make if there was another 1,000 or 10,000 other individuals like us willing to pay that amount of money?

Lastly we would like to point out that for this investigation our profile is empty. This means that the profile we created to use has no photographs in it and as little information as possible. This is done for a specific reason. The reason being is that why would anyone be willing to contact us if they have no idea of what we look like? Also, the women contacting us don't have any information about our income or anything else like that. Logically there would be no reason for anyone to contact us. We are inclined to believe these profiles are used to get men to purchase credits. Enticing us to send and reply to emails back and forth is how they make there profit.


fictitious emails

Hosting Server Info:

  • Address Of Host: Drake Chamber Road Town TORTOLA SZ VG
  • IP Address Of Server:

Contact Information :

Final Decision:

This site should be used at your own caution. Paying for a membership is not something we would personally do.

Search For Women

If you want to search for real females, then look at these legitimate dating sites.

File A Report

  • Contact the Better Business Bureau and file a complaint if you feel that you have been scammed or ripped off.

 Comments 2 comments

  • Patrick davis says:

    Is well hello a real website

  • enrique says:

    i think some girls are real and some are models because i meet some girls that complain about the expensive of the webside and invite me to left the side, but in this case the side dont let you exchance personal information with the girl so the only way it is call her .But in this point i dont sure in this way you contact this real person this is was my personal experience. 

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