Here Are Reviews Of The Worst And Best Milf Dating Sites That We Have Conducted

 Aug, 16 - 2017   81 comments   ReviewsScams is all about exposing fraudulent online dating services. That is our agenda. In this article we are going to list and show some of the worst milf dating sites on the web. These websites do everything in their power to lie, cheat and steal from you. They use everything from fake female profiles, computer-generated instant messages and a multitude of other different tactics to get people to pay for monthly memberships to their cons. We thought it would be a good idea to put a synopsis together, a summary of all of our investigations that we have done in the past of milf dating sites.
This will make it much easier for you to see all of our milf dating reviews in one area of our site. Not only do we list the worst milf dating sites but also list legitimate places to meet women over 40. Although few and far between, there actually are legitimate milf /cpugar dating websites.

The Worst Milf Dating Sites:

Here is a list of all the milf dating sites that we have reviewed and have determined to be outright scams and fraud. These reviews have taken a long time to compilate. It has been a long process, please use it to your advantage.

  • – With so many deceptions coming from this website it’s like walking into a minefield you don’t know when you’re going to blow up.
  • – If you’ve read the review then you know this site is a scam all the way through. Our advice to is to walk away from this “dating site”.
  • – This is a faux dating site so you can never meet real girls here. MilfCheaters has been designed exclusively to scam people and should not be trusted whatsoever!
  • – You have absolutely no chance of corresponding with real females who will meet you in person.This site it is not designed as a dating service but as an “entertainment” service. There is a big difference, dating is to meet people and entertainment is entertain you.
  • – runs the same dirty tricks as soo many of the site that we have reported on. Why waste time with a known scam, now you know the truth about how this dating service really operates we suggest you stay away from it.
  • – The opportunity to interact with real women is very slim. Unfortunately this is not a dating site but a scam disguised as a dating site.
  • – From what we have seen we personally wouldn’t buy a membership on this site. Using fake emails to lure us into buying a premium subscription is a scam plain and simple.
  • – We find it completely disgusting that these type of dating sites are allowed to operate with impunity. Our investigation has proved without a shadow of a doubt that this website is nothing but a scam created to rip off unsuspecting male members.
  • – Our decision still stands in regards to not recommending this dating service. They use every trick they can use to deceive male members into upgrading to a paid subscription.
  • – If you like interacting with phony women by all means use If you want real women then this is not the place for you.
  • – It is strongly urged to think twice before using this service for the reasons described above.
  • – Be careful if you plan on using this site. We suggest you read section 11 of the terms and conditions so you know how site operates. Remember if it seems to good to be true it probably is.
  • – All the evidence above speaks for itself. This site is clearly involved in fraud, they admit to it and they discuss it clearly in their terms and conditions. Do not do any sort of business with this service unless you’re willing to waste money on something that is completely useless.
  • – Based on the evidence that you have seen before you we strongly suggest that you do not register on this dating site. As you can see they are not looking out for your best interest whatsoever, it is a total scam.
  • – Based on everything we have found out about the site we cannot and will not recommend this site.
  • – It doesn’t get much worse than a dating site consciously and intentionally going out of it’s way to rip you off. This site was created for only one reason and that is to rip people off.
  • – We suggest that you stay away from any dating sites owned by owned by Enedina LTD, they are all scams.
  • – Uses paid operators and bots to trick male members into buying coins to reply to fake mesages,

Legitimate Real Milf Dating Sites That Are The Best Out There:

As you can see the list of real cougar dating services is much smaller than the list of scams. The good thing is these online dating services are not involved in fabricating fake profiles. Also they don’t employ people who are paid to pretend to be interested in you so they trick you into purchasing upgraded subscriptions. And they do not use computer software programs to send you fake chat messages and fake emails. So you can rest assured that you’re in good hands with these dating services. We’re not saying you’re going to meet mature women on these sites that is entirely up to you however the opportunity to interact with real persons is here. Just like regular dating, meeting someone involves the same type of process of getting to know them and having a mutual attraction for each other. Create a free basic account on the site and see how it goes, good luck!
  • PassionA real hookup site for “passionate people”.
  • FBookHookups – Another legit place to meet women over 40, cougars, milfs, swingers and everything in between.

File A Report

If any of the sites above have scammed fight back! Report them to the Better Business Bureau.

  • Contact the Better Business Bureau and file a complaint if you feel that you have been scammed or ripped off.

 Comments 81 comments

  • rric mmanw says:

    Looking into FlirtyDating and Amorry Dating

    any info thank you rric woltmann

  • Carlos Shelton says:

    Thank this article  you i was about to upgrade my account on local black. Com glad I read

  • Gerard wood says:

    Milf -local is a scam.Mainly used by cam girls targeting this website for business.The women of this website don't know NZ's geography very well. My profile specificed that I only wanted to communicate with women living in Wellington, where I live and got responses from women appearantly living in Auckland, Northland and Dunedin etc. Not anywhere near Wellington. I suspect these are dum american women!

    This website is a complete waste of time and money.

    • James says:

      Bots not real women lol. I looked at this site and I never put up any details about myself, no photos, nothing and within an hour of signing up I got about 20 emails.  That's a real sign that all or most of the profiles are fake and computer generated.  It's a total waste of time.

    • Admin says:

      thanks for commenting Gerard.

      • C. Breeze says:

        Yeah, have to love making prejudice, negative generalizations aimed to divide people!!!! Kudos to you as the admin for encouraging and aiding such deplorable, ignorant behavior. I’m sure this comment won’t be posted just as my comment to Gerald wasn’t. We are looking at the legitimacy of sites. Fairly hypocritical to censor my unifying comments to save face…or to not draw attention to your potential prejudices and potential ignorance. Peace…even to us “dum american”s!!!

    • Silverback says:

      Totally agree ..asked for local taranaki milfs almost all of hits were out of area & 1 didn't know wot I ment by "naki "but she was from Stratford. 

    • C. Breeze says:

      Must be those “dum american”s. This post was a classic, purposefully or unintended! It was either a clever comment that had me dum american loud laughly with the commenter. The other possibility also met the objective of drawing laughter with his stone. After he broke his glass house, karma intervened and joined the dum americans and other caring, logical human beings in a chuckle. Legitimately good, loving people aren’t interested in creating conflict or division based on stereotypic or prejudice generalizations. Hopefully, the former possible motivation was intended. In this crazy time, we need to come together and not try to make matters worse. Actions, beliefs, and common sense don’t have geographical boundaries, in my opinion. Ok, stepping down from my soapbox now. Be safe out there everyone…even us dum americans!

  • Stephan says:

    Almost every woman requested me to verify my safety dating ID with my credit card at no charge. It's bunch of lie, I've been charged twice and never got my dating ID. Had to cancel my credit cards twice to avoid future charges without my acknowledge. It's a scam. Learned my lesson and gave up adult dating websites. Don't fall for applying dating ID, there is NO such a thing with verification ID!

    • Steven says:

      Every single female that I spoke to on the website tried to get me to do the online ID verification and yeah they got me a couple of times two I had to cancel my cards and throw them away and I’m still fighting to try and get the money stop. But I believe it’s a lost cause so I too am giving up I’m the adult dating website all other men be warned

      • Brian says:

        Had the same thing happen to me once. Used my credit card and not only could I not log into the website after giving my credit card info, but my credit card had three other charges from websites I never heard about or seen before! Once they get your CC number they can charge anything they want to it! I had to get my CC number closed to stop the charges.

  • Jack says:

    Real ones that I have found work include Plenty of Fish, OKCupid and DateHookup. I haven't paid anything for them and have met many women through them.

  • ben livingston says:

    Is the site just mlif dates a real and safe site or a scam?

  • Tony Bates says:

    On one of these sites I saw a lady that I know very well. Every w/end when I go out I will probably see Her.  I must admit she is very lovely and I would love to date Her but I will not mention the site I have seen Her on and we talk to each other in so much as She will kiss me and hug me in greeting. She always seems so happy to see me.  I only wonder if she is a genuine member of the site that I have seen Her on or are they using Her photo and file illegally.

  • Bob says:

    Is there anyway to find a true site without wasting money and time? Imo, they shouldn't be allowed to use bots and fake profiles to bait anyone. We obviously can't do alot to them as I looked at alot of their customer service addresses are out of US jurisdiction.

    • Dana says:


      You can always use the site to "broadcast" some pics and profile,

      And call Customer Service repeatedly asking why

      the credit card with no money in it isn't working for you today. 😉

      They will "market" you pics to lure other females onto the site.

      It's doubtful they will contact you.

      But no, don't Upgrade or go Premium or Join for money.

      My neighbor is on there–I'm not hitting her up.


      I will see all the spam bot replies,

      and then,

      a real user will send her phone number,

      and we'll chat a bit.

      Say in your profile you don't want to trade pics or jerk off online.

      Say you think talking in person is a good way to get to know someone.

      Eventually….they are fighting male spam bots too…she will drop you her number.

      Announce in your profile some reason for not upgrading.

      Look for users who have *not* upgraded.

      Try sending them Messages.

      The system lets the spam bot know you *tried* but couldn't because you haven't joined.

      You can tell it's a spam bot because it won't say "I see you haven't joined."

      Join every linked board for free.

      Collect hundreds of loverly pics.

      Don't trust a one of them.

      Enjoy the free pics.

      Keep them guessing.


      • ScottyDawg1972 says:

        I love you Dana!!!! & I’m not after your bud light either… just showing my age on the bud light commercial… your welcome for the plug Budweiser… your words of wisdom are so true!!! My email inbox is 4342 can you say bot bot bot! Anyways I could use a few more emails looking forward to a real email that’s live & not memorex… geez is that what my life has boiled down to??? 1commercial plug to another??? I need to get out more stupid Covid-19 has me talking to the fridge dishwasher & of course the tv…

  • James says:

    Came across a site called Milf There's no correspondence till you are a paid up member.

    Its an Aussie site where you can view profiles and some appear way dodgy. Chick with American flag

    tatooed over their chest saying she was a local and living 12kms away.

    My view is; if it appears suspect, it probably is. Have you had any feedback on this site at all?

    • Pete says:

      I joined Nilf-Area and from the initial hit of 40 + before registering only got 5 replied and they were just one-liners, and never replied again so it appears to be a scam. I blocked my card and they threatened to take me to court. Nothing has happened so far. I would stay away

  • ash ryan sherman says:

    Any free dating sites.  Must be one out there. 


    The only guaranteed dates I got was where the girl sets a price(no sex at all and can't mention) .  They'll for feral go out and takes no time at all so for 50 bux outta worth a shot at fin fib a good woman.


    I ended up paying far too much at 200 or so but i coukd have fo r elsewhere for 50 which is less than dinner.


    Still, can't be paying 1000s to fibs subscribe whoop goes out a second time

  • Dave Walker says:

    Hi what about the site causual milfs ? Dave

  • Edyhh says:

    What about

  • Edyhh says:

    Is a legit site? 

  • jim says:

    RegionFlirts 110%  SCAM  110%  SCAM

  • Graham says:

    What about lonely milf tenner for 7 replies bunch of shite yeah

  • Silverback says:

    Be very carefull with Adultfriendfinder. .heaps of fake profiles &scammers there ..check profile photo comments first before messaging if they are fake you will soon read so..

  • huch maake says: – seems like a scam, can you verify?

    • Rich says:

      Wondering the same

    • Admin says:  is a scam yes 100% FAKE!

      • Zachary says:

        Is casualmilfdate a legit site to actually meet people if not how can u tell like ive actually got a few good people talking to me but im a little confused none of them want to text me due to security and what not but ive only been on the site a week so maybe edventually the will txt me lol the site doesnt charge subscription i do no that but they do charge with message packs

        • Tyler says:

          Just keep on waiting because they wont make the move they wana hook you first. Watch when it comes time to meet she I mean he will ask for a CC to verify ur real but tell her I mean him you will take a pic with ut photo id to verify you would think that would work considering 1 it proves its you 2 it has ur adress 3 it has ur weight ur height eye n hair color  hell it has everything but ur social security# n ur CC but seriously only use that as a test of measure because if its not good ENOUGH there fake and if it is then shes probably real. With that being said I have other counter measures. You can meet women but it's limited sites and in reality limited women. Hynee site is 20/20 right well if you ever see site with only hot chicks its fake because if you didn't no chicks arent the ones who have to make the move. And they get more dick thrown at them then a whore knows what to do with… You really think there arnt ugly chicks trying to get laid to. Oh really well why do I see fat ugly chicks with kids someone hitit and ran kid with no daddy out wait thata you looking at these women saying dam why didnt I find this site sooner well dam it is because one check ur CC now and to its been 9 months and ur old lady is about to have ur kid and come for chid support just think one day whether it be ur kid or God hopefully ur kid. You gona have to tell him why you didn't buy condoms

      • Lowell Blackwood says:

        is milfme a legitimate site ? Or a Scam ?

  • Spiggi says: appears to be scam 

  • j says:

    what about milf sex UK      is that a scam.  if so how do they scam you 

  • Admin says: is a scam as well, completely fake!

  • Matt Jackson says:

    And then even on passion and the adult hub which I have found real people on 99% of the women that contact you are scammers, cammmers or offering services. So even on the legitimate sites it is a minefield of people just wanting your money. Very frustrating. The adult hub I found a great couple both very attractive and we had amazing sex and made close friends. I really recomend the site. You do get timewasters and cammers but they are easier to tell. Obviously if a girl says she is horny as fuck and wants to meet you after a few days you know they are a faker. Just wait for the attractive but normal looking lady or couple that just talks anout normal stuff. Actually I usually only really trust talking to the man in the couple. Men are straightforward and almost never fake or a scam. So for threesomes it seems easier and safer to contact a profile which is written by the guy and where it is the guy talking about meeting them. You still get to meet and fuck a beautiful woman and sometimes you can find women hotter and more sexual than you could on your own plus you get to watch them have sex too which I love. Not had any luck in Italy yet so here I just fork out the momey to go straight to a swimgers club where I am guaranteed more sex than I can handle. Actually my number one bit of advice. Cut out the middle man and hoping of online sites and just go find women and couples in swingers clubs. They are no more expensive than a night out drinking in England and you are guaranteed to meet nice people and some stunners. A lot more expensive in Italy thats why I need hookup and dating sites and regular clubbing too.






    • Gordon says:

      Sounds like a life of luxury. Italy? I can only dream but hey, hit it for me to! Good luck, have fun and be safe

  • […] fantasy of being with an older woman, a milf? Many guys fantasize about being with a milf and many "milf dating sites" cater to this specific wish. In this review we're focusing on a milf dating site called […]

  • Skip says:

    Meet milfy a total waste do not pay for upgrade fake profiles don't know where they get all these pics totally a bunch of shots 

  • […] 👉 If you want to get to the list of milf dating websites read the full compilation of reviews here. […]

  • gthopper says:

    I see two ‘legit’ sites, Passion and fbookhookups, is that it? Really?

  • Mike says:

    Was just on maturesforfuck and affairdating. One seemingly legitimate person out of hundreds. Chats after 10pm turn into x-rated sessions, with 20something year olds that end in them asking for a phone info, that they want you to send by clicking a link. A screwed up the one seemingly legit person that I met. Every time someone wanted to chat I had to question whether it was real. Not a good way to spend time on a site. Agree…stay away

    • Gordon says:

      I’ve also messed up a couple of I think good women online. I couldn’t tell for sure if they were realor just scamming. None I’ve met son any of these sites anyway but I have spent way to much time dickin with fakes sites. I’ve only paid one time though,thank God and thank the datingbusters!! You Rock Datingbusters! I wish I had known more before I came online. Or had had someone to tell me what to be careful about. I know now

  • Zachary says: how can u tell this site is fake can u leave investigation on this site or link to this investigation

    • Admin says: is fake, they use bogus profiles pages.

      • john says:

        yes it is 100% total fake. i was "chatting" with a woman named mommamathia  who soposidly lives in the same city i did  i should have stopped when i segested we use instzgram or some othe "non fee based" and she said she only feels "safe and comfortable"  useing this site. she is a great actress i dont know ir she lives where i do of not but after 28 days abd over $700 spent in purchasing ' message top ups"   realized ive been had  dont use this site if you are actualy expecting a date  dont use this site if the person you chat with doesnt seem to know anything adout local events. just beware

  • Clogg says:

    Sex with slappers is fake spent a fortune talking to 2 women on there and they didnt know anywere were they lived wich was supposed to be near me , you get charged per message and it soon gets expensive .. my advice stay well away

  • Tim says:

    What about seemingly fake by stringing me along, so I purchase more messages. No traction , or advancement  towards a meetup. How do I know if these people are on the sites payroll? Somehow I feel mislead. Please enlighten me.

  • Casual says:

    Is www uberhorny dot-com legit or scam?

  • Brian says:

    Is ‘’ legitimate?  On the homepage their logo says,, but when you look at the url it’s: 

    Also on the upgrade page for payment the url reads: ‘the’ . All these different urls make me suspicious. What’s the story, legitimate or not???

  • Tdee says:

    Is real or a scam?

  • Cris says:

    can you verify that 'meet a milf' is a scam? 

    Thank you 

  • ndby says:

    Any feedback on the site “One Night Friend”?

  • Rob says:

    Can someone verify for me please that the only 2 sites mentioned on here are the only 2 legit milf sites around?

  • Ben Jacks says:

    I use in the UK.. but I suspect the women on here are scammers. They are happy to chat but never want to meet, just dodging questions and keep you spending coins… at£1.50 a msg. Do you know if this is a scam? Some of the ladies are good at keeping you chatting!

  • Sarah says:

    I want to know about a site call they have people chat through text and email you have to pay to open an email and text. It’s costly and it’s wried If you want to exchange contact information you have to send it through a gift or a video and you have to pay. The guys get to be on the site for free but they have to talk to paying members. I started asking the site a lot questions I am a lawyer I got kick out and they refunded me my money back. I want to find out about this site If it’s like the others you mention above.

  • John says:

    I joined MILF Dater in the UK. All seemed very promising at first as I recognised a couple of ladies from my area .I them a few messages from young women 19/20, and some older within the 10 mile distance i had set. I started chatting to one lady and she would not answer all my question or even make comments, so things were asked 3/4 times. It was £20 a time to top up and that give 12 messages. Started with another women, and that really did look good, and then came the reply which started off “I was happy to get your message this morning” no body talk’s like that in uk. then I asked to meet for lunch and no I want to get to know you on here first. which is not really possible. So with £60 down the drain I have come to the conclusion that this site also has a lot of fake profiles. Do you have any knowledge of this site please. Many Thanks

  • Paul Copper says:

    Has anyone experience of ‘milfdater’
    Just wonder if it is a genuine website or a scam
    Your help would be appreciated

  • Captain dave says:


  • Jan-Erik Heimeland says:

    Can I ask you about whether it is a fake or real trustworthy site. I am from Sweden. I have got the same experience as everybody else here, no comments or answers on my questions, lots of messages with no connections to conversations. If I have not written in a couple of weeks I get questions from all of the women I have been talking to, and on the same day, with a month’s interruption.

  • Andy says:

    Hi everyone and thanks to this site for saving me loads of money. Can someone tell me if is legit or scam ?

  • Demeter Art says:

    How about >>>>>> ???? is it fake or a scamming type of the website ??

  • Cameron Gammie says:

    Can anyone help how do I stop or dates for fun hounding me for unpaid fees I’ve tried to cancel my subscription since August last year but the company will not reply to my emails no reply they have now got a German solicitor to take me to court

  • Sam Cook says:

    Is Domestic Milf a legit dating site? If ít is, how do i get back to it? I paid for a month.

  • John says:

    What about

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