See Why Is Full Fledged Scam, Not A Real Dating Site

 Nov, 04 - 2022   5 comments   ReviewsScams

USABangPalace Review Shows It’s Completely Bogus is a scam and we can prove to you with 100% certainty it’s not legit. This website is in fact a scam, it’s not a real website and it says so directly on the front page of their website at the bottom in very fine print! This is all done on purpose because they don’t actually want you to read it but they do admit to their criminal activity because of legal reasons they need to tell you that the website is using fictitious profiles.

In order for you to actually join their website you need to agree that you have read their terms and conditions page (even if you haven’t read it). it’s completely up to you to read it or not but if you don’t read it then who do you blame? Yes this site is a hoax but it is important to always read the fine print to know what youre getting yourself into.

At the bottom of the home page (and every page on the site) it says:

“the service profiles are fictional physical arrangements with these profiles are not possible we firmly advise you to read our terms and conditions.”

(screenshot from the homepage where they admit profiles are fictional)

They’re telling you that the profiles are fictional which means fake and physical arrangements which basically means hooking up with the women on these dating profiles is not possible. That sentence pretty much tells you everything you need to know about why USA Bang Palace is a complete fraud.

On the terms and conditions page they admit to all of their crimes. In section 6.1.a it says the following:

“we use fictitious profiles to stimulate interaction and conversations among users like stated in our disclaimer.”

Right there once again they’re confessing that they use fake dating profiles to “stimulate interaction conversation amongst users”, which means to mislead you into thinking you’re interacting with real women, but in reality all the females on the site are bogus profiles.

When you start getting messages from these girls who you think are real you will need to upgrade by pulling out your credit card and buying a worthless membership! That’s what this is all about, it’s all about making money off of your ignorance. This is  how they deceive you and make possibly millions of dollars in the process.

In section 2 3.c once again they admit to creating fake profiles:

“You acknowledge that most of the profiles on the website are fictitious and they have been created only to exchange messages with users and therefore real life meetings with these fictitious profiles are therefore not possible.”

Once again they’re outlining that most of the profiles on their fake dating website are pretend. These simulated profiles have been fabricated for one reason only and that is send messages to you in the hopes that you will buy a membership to respond back to the messages.

In order for you to reply to those fake messages from the fake women you will need to pay for it. Yes, you will need to pay to chat to fake non existant women.

They also admit real-life meetings with these fake profiles are not possible! You can’t meet these women in person, it’s all a big fat scam targeting your pocketbook. And they admit that.

“The website is a digital fantasy service for adults the profiles are provided for the entertainment of the user it’s not the intent of the website to establish real-life contact between uses of the website.”

Once again they call this a “digital fantasy service” they do not consider USABangPalace a dating site. They consider it a digital fantasy service when something is a fantasy that means that it’s not real.

Then they confess:

“It’s not the intent of the website to establish real-life contact between users of the website.”

They did not create this website in order for you to have real life hookups with other people on the website.

In the section 8. 2

“Does the website use fictitious profiles? Yes we use fictitious profiles for entertainment purposes, the profiles posted on the website are fictitious and are associated with our digital fantasy entertainment service.

In Section 8.2.b they want you to acknowledge the following:

The information text and pictures contained in the profiles does not pertain to any actual person but it’s included for Digital entertainment purposes only nothing contained in any digital fantasy profile is intended to describe a resemble any real person living or dead once.

Again they are admitting that the profiles they create are not intended to mimic any real people because of course they are fake profiles.

In Section 8. 3

The profiles may contact users through computer-generated messages to encourage further or broader participation in the website services.

They also admit that they use computer-generated messages AKA fake messages that are sent to you that you think are real women who want to hook up with you. None of this is true it’s all a scam to rip you off.

On the disclaimer page they also openly state that service profiles are fictional, physical arrangements with these profiles are not possible.

Yet again admitting that the website uses fake profiles and physically meeting up with the women on these profiles is not possible whatsoever since of course they are fake.

The photographs are real but these photographs are not of women who have actually joined USA Bang Palace looking for men for casual encounters. The photo of hot women have been used to create ficticious profile pages on the website. Then they use the faux profiles to trick and then lure unsuspecting men into paying for a membership to chat with these nonexistent female members. It’s all a scam, everywhere you look on it’s 100% fraud.

*Other fake hookup sites connected to this one include,,, and

How To Contact Them To Cancel Your Account Etc:

E-mail: [email protected]
Website Billing support: Info Media International AG
Phone For Credit Card Billing Questions: +16466471471

If you have any questions or comments leave your comment and your own personal review below. If you’re interested in searching for real local women on legitimate hookup dating sites click on the link right below this video.

Watch the video review on USABangPalace below

Where Do You Meet Real Local Women?

👉If you want to search for real local women visit these legit dating sites.

File A Report

  • Contact the Better Business Bureau and file a complaint if you feel that you have been scammed or ripped off.

 Comments 5 comments

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