SPDate.com & The Avalanche Of Proof We Have That It’s Fake

 Jun, 26 - 2018   36 comments   ReviewsScams

SPDate.com is in fact a scam. We did a review a couple years ago and this site is still operating and nothing has changed it still has fake profiles everywhere. This site is not legitimate anyway you look at it. if you're a guy looking to hook up with a girl and have sex there's no way you're ever going to meet anyone in this site because all the profiles are fake, all the messages are fake everything is designed to get you to buy a paid subscription to the website. What's the end result of all of this? Nothing, you'll never meet anyone on this site it's not designed for you to me real people, it's all a massive fraud like hundreds of other sites that we've exposed. Everything is fake all of it.

So what now, what are you going to do? The best thing you can do is stay as far away as you can from this site and if you want to read the full review of SPDate.com we strongly suggest that you click this link and you can read our full review that's backed up by evidence and proof showing you why the sites a scam. 

Please share this video on social media but remember to read our full review.

Search For Females

👉 If you want to search for real women, then look at these legitimate dating sites.

 Comments 36 comments

  • Owen says:

    Is there a way to remove a profile on spdate along with cancelling the account?


    • Lind says:

      Oh yes i just find those things on manegement 

      • JOANN Lewis says:

        I want this account closed now as it was a twelve and thirteen yr olds who made this accounts and u better close it now today! I better not receive this garbage any more on my phone!

        • Admin says:

          if you want your account closed and go close it, obviously you’re not reading or paying attention. Do you realize you’re on a dating review site and you’re not on SPDate.com? Of course you don’t, cuz you are not seeing what’s in front of your eyes. Go to SPDate and cancel your own account!

        • Gabe says:

          You can go to settings and turn off emailing in notifycations.

    • Chris denard says:

      Cancel. Remove me

    • Sylvain says:

      Allo je recherche des famme a baissé

    • JOANN Lewis says:


    • Poomani says:


    • michael says:

      IM HAVING THE SAME  PROBLEM !     CAN NOT   remove  my  photo  or the city i live in.   im going to try  and add  a object instead of a photo of me. then i will be able to delete my photo.   the acct ill just mess up so bad they cant tell   who i am…

  • dddgtgg says:

    please add me on hangout realbae026k@gmail.com

  • Alan says:

    Je pèle Alan je viens de côte du ivoire

  • Adrian Baker says:

    Site is a fucking joke…suck u in bu sending photos of hot chicks and messages.. then alk of a sudden…u need a dating id…its free apparently…but then they ask for bank details..uf free..why the need for that. Id like to meet these people and separate their heads from their bodies…piss on them..then set them on fire…sit down with beers and watch them burn

    • Owl says:

      Make you soh fucking cruel …….. but your correct why do we need id and credit cards it’s fucking shit fr

  • Henry says:

    yes these people are fake, my last experience was the person would have to leave and would post a link to a paid for site mostly like fu@kbook.com

    • Ace flored says:

      Yeah biggest scam out there the way I found out they were fake answers made no scence half the time . So I started telling them fakes to meet me on Google Hangouts u onoe how many met me there yep none why is a scam service like that still around. And I never joined I was a guest the other fake service is called local milf I did the same thing with Hangouts none came so watch out bros better if going to the bar.

  • Marshall Elisabeth says:

    Who is going to be my one

  • Billybunter says:

    SPDate.com is in fact a scam. We did a review a couple years ago and this site is still operating and nothing has changed it still has fake profiles everywhere. This site is not legitimate anyway you look at it. if you’re a guy looking to hook up with a girl and have sex there’s no way you’re ever going to meet anyone in this site because all the profiles are fake, all the messages are fake everything is designed to get you to buy a paid subscription to the website. What’s the end result of all of this? Nothing, you’ll never meet anyone on this site it’s not designed for you to me real people, it’s all a massive fraud like hundreds of other sites that we’ve exposed. Everything is fake all of it.

  • Cory Nall says:

    They are bots.

  • Sanjeewa Rankothpedige says:

    I needed a women that I can love their is any body for me out there please let me know

  • Lamont says:

    How do I unsubscribe from spdate.com

  • Ragitsch Andreas says:

    Die Kommentare sind nicht richtig.Oder nur zum teil richtig.Vieles ist abhängig
    von der Konfiguration ihres Systemes und das gibt ja Updates die dann 100% erhalten.
    Betrug gibt es überall, wenn sie ihn erkennen. Ich bin seit 18 Jahren Experte für das Betrugs-wesen.

  • Duane Richardson says:

    While it may be fake, and there is absolutely no way you will ever meet a woman on this site, there are ways you can have loads of fun with it, for example, I have asked some of the so-called women bizarre and disgusting questions and have gotten back hilarious responses. For example, I have asked one so-called woman if she has sex with farm animals, she always answers yes and when I asked her to go into detail, she says some of the funniest things. I am also said things like I want to kill you and eat your body parts and I get responses such as oh baby that turns me on and oh baby you make my clit jump.

  • Ohdaddyo says:

    Well I got this message from this way hot girl she said it wud cost 270$ I laughed at her then I told her to f off then I get a message from this way way hot chick and she says it’s only 45 $ to get an I d so I try to con the girl to meet me she says I need an I’d hookup I’d r you so a week goes by I get a per paid card put 20 $ on it befor I get back home I check the balance 6 cents wat a scam boy wat a scam dont fall for it 20 $ is a easy way out good luck people

  • Tibor says:

    Hello, you seem to be correct. According to someone there, they were honest enough to say that they were men posing as bots. The sight, with all the magnificent women, is a scam with guys there 24/7, and not one legitimate woman in the group. Great shame.

  • Gary connelly says:

    Close my account

  • Wayne w says:

    I find it's a scam. When you are chatting with the women. They say the same things over and over again. I asked a question and the answer I got back had nothing at all to do with the question I asked. 

  • Christopher Isabella says:

    what does the green up and red up circle supposed to mean

  • Jitendra singh says:

     How to turn on notifications

  • Martin Stahl says:

    Spdate is now using the CC# to get you to sign up for free so you can see the nude pics but when you read the fine print, they say one day is free then they bill your credit card $39.99 a month. It is not worth it because they are not real women they are chat bots with photos stolen off the internet

  • Brad says:

    Ive spent the last 3 days on spdate trying to find several different scenarios … long term relationship, a nsa meeting, fwb type connection, and as DOM looking for SUB for relationship… what i found is that probably 85-90% of responses seemed like they came fron an actual person initially but after 1 or 2 texts, suggestive pics with suggestive questions/responses sent together would begin to arrive… each time you responded the next pic/text would arrive… clearly showing that it was auto generated… also if you went outside normal responses or made a rude comment, a nonsensical  or irrelevant response was given… so im guessing that keywords/responses given by the client initiate specific responses…   There was about 10% of the profiles i talked with were real and immediately asked for my email address and to talk in Hangouts… those people were very eager to discuss hooking up and planning a meeting.. and then as an afterthought wanted to make sure you had an ID-HAC… at first i thought that it was something to show proof of  neg HIV and STD's tests… it isnt… its supposed to be an ID that (according to the women i talked to) everyone must aquire before meeting with anyone from the site, that verifies who you are in case something happens to either person.   One girl explained it like this… the verification process is run by spdate but there is a site that is setup on godaddy.com where you go and enter your info INCLUDING  cc info (i think she mentioned that there was no charge to the cc, it it is just used for verification purposes…)   I told her that i would rather that we both went to the police dept and had an NCIC background check done but she said that it was an spdate requirement for anyone meeting on spdate. I reminded her that we arent on spdate now (we were in Hangouts then) and she then logged out… 

  • John says:

    It's a total and outright scam. There are so called "girls" that operate an ever changing list of girl profiles that send pictures found on the internet to make it look like it is them. Then they put out the guest accts, which all are Hangouts accts . These act as girls that talk you up, or sext you, whatever you want, and when the moment is over its, I need you to send me money to pay my air time. I just had 4 of them attempt this scam with me. One have up as soon as caught, blocked the second, but the 3rd and 4th were persistent and went great lengths to convince me to send them money. I returned to the site and after a long series of comments and questions, the "girls"  responded, I started getting long chats and they pretty much admitted that they were there to scam money. I have all evidence to back my claim and advise everyone to stay way 


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