SpicyDesires.com Is Swindling People Out Of Their Hard Earned Money
Website Details:
- $4.47 to purchase a membership for a 3 day trial access to the site.
- $39.99 to purchase a membership for 1 month access to the site.
- $83.97 to purchase a membership for a 3 month access to the site.
- $199.94 to purchase a membership for a 3 month access to the site.
- Search: Search for people according to everything you can imagine from age, marital status, eye color, body type, hair color, ethnicity etc.
- Messages: Read and send email messages through this section.
- Chat Rooms: Chat with people on the site
- Views: See who viewed your profile, sent you a wink.
- Winks: See who viewed your profile, sent you a wink.
- Friends: See who is online your friend list
SpicyDesires.com is part of a network of sites that include Nfmature.com, Wildmeets.com, Sexintouch.com and Localsgonewild.com. All these sites operate in the same manner, all of which is described below.
Fake Emails & Chat Messages
When we registered on this site we did not expect to receive 28 and counting emails in just under a two hour period. But, that's exactly what has happened. You may be asking yourself maybe we used a photograph of a very attractive man to lure women into contacting us. In actuality our profile (see evidence below) is completely empty, we don't have our height, marital status, ethnic origin, religion, and of course no photograph in our profile. So then why would any women want to contact us? The answer is because the women contacting us are not real. Using a completely automated software program this website can tell that we are free members and by knowing that information they automatically start hammering us with fake email messages and chat messages. The problem is as always, that these women are not real members of the site. The end goal for this website is to trick you into trying to communicate back to these women and when you try to do so you are asked to upgrade to communicate. Upgrading means purchasing a monthly subscription.
Further evidence that this site is actually using automated messages to send out communications to members is in the terms and conditions of the site. We copied the most important sentences from the terms and conditions and have provided that below for you to read.
- The messages they send are computer generated.
- Messages from the user profiles we create attempt to simulate communications so that should you become a paid member.
- We will, send automatic electronic communications to users.
- Additionally, we will utilize our automated system profiles to communicate with Users to enhance our Users’ entertainment experience.

Female Profiles Created By The Site
What SpicyDesires.com does is use one of the oldest tricks in the book, and that is to create fictitious dating profiles (see evidence below) to lure men into upgrading and purchasing a monthly subscription to their dating services. This is not an assumption, this is a fact that we can back up with evidence. As we mentioned above our profile for this investigation was left completely empty with no photographs in it but we still received over 28 email messages and counting from a variety of attractive looking supposedly local females. Unfortunately all the messages and all the women who sent those messages are completely fake and have been fabricated by the dating site. The evidence we have is located directly on their website and the terms and conditions.
We have included the most important part of the terms and conditions in relation to the fictitious profiles that they have created, read all the evidence below.
- the Website utilizes automated system profiles to communicate with Users to enhance our Users’ entertainment experience.
- Both our live and automated user profiles, allow us to collect messages, instant chat and/or replies from individuals or programs for market research.
- You acknowledge and agree that some of the profiles posted on the Website that you may communicate with as a Registered User may be fictitious.
- The purpose of our creating these profiles is to provide our Registered Users with entertainment.
- The user profiles we create are not intended to resemble or mimic any actual persons.
- We may create several different user profiles that we attach to a given picture.
- You understand and acknowledge that we create these profiles and that these profiles are not based on or associated with any Registered User or Member of our Service or any other real person.
- You also acknowledge and agree that the descriptions, pictures and information included in such profiles are provided primarily for your amusement
This exact image is also found on these sites:
- http://thechive.com/2014/03/27/why-would-you-ever-get-out-of-bed-41-photos/why-would-bed-8/
- http://sosickwithit.com/2014/03/26/hard-fall-love-cassie/cassie_laine_15/
- http://www.imagefap.com/profile/YM_Cassiefun19
Hosting Server Info:
- Address Of Host: TH Floor, 7 Castle Street, Midlothian, Edinburgh, Eh2 3Ah, GB
- IP Address Of Server:
- Name Servers: ns1.ropot.net, ns2.ropot.net
Contact Information :
- Phone: 1 2127965746 or call 1-800-489-6091
Addresses: Vincenti Buildings, 28/19, (Suite No. 1374), Strait Street, VLT 1432, Valletta, Malta
P.O. Box 146, Trident Chambers, Road Town, Tortola, British Virgin Islands - Email: [email protected] , [email protected]
Final Decision:
There is so much evidence against this company it would be wise to stay away from them. When a website specifically admits to creating fictitious profiles, using automated messages and emails there's not much more to say. You are here on this dating site to meet women if the end result is you can't meet any women what is the point even registering here?
Search For Females
If you want to find real women, then look at these legit dating sites.
File A Report
- Contact the Better Business Bureau and file a complaint if you feel that you have been scammed or ripped off.
Janna Wilson invitede me off flits to her. Skpe account and I like a fool exposed myself while she was giving me a show. Then whewe.were finished she told me I had to sign on with spicedesirers or she would upload the video all over social media. My credit card wouldn't go through so she told me that she has uploaded_i havent seen it posted to facebook and the police said not worry. facebook wouldnt allow it. it seems all these dating sites are linked together because i didnt need my card entry.
I'm glad you had there contact phone number I bought 50 credits for $3.99 and they charged another $24.99 that I didn't charge so I called them and after about an hour of tell this guy that couldn't even speak English very good they charged me for for something I didn't get he said they would give me a refund but thats yet to be seen and I never even got the credits I payed for and I still have no idea what the $24.99 was for and I couldn't understand a word the guy was saying. So I will see if I get my refund or not. What a pain in the ass. Thanks for posting this even though I found it a bit late. I'm deleting that website off my computer and for now on I'm going to research the website before before I use a credit card on it.
Chociaż zapłaciłem za użytkowanie serwisu do końca 2015 roku już po paru dniach anulowano moją subskrybcję .Wielokrotnie wpłacałem kwotę około 30 PLN oraz kwoty ok 6 PLN i ostatecznie na portalach Spice Desires , Be Naughty,Wild Buddies mogę nadać wiadomość lecz nikt jej nie może odebrać choć mam sygnał , że została wysłana.Wielokrotnie reklamowałem przez e-mail lecz odpowiedzi były bełkotliwe i wykrętne.Portal również pobierał inne kwoty niż te , które zostały wybrane.Na portalu jest pełno trojanów i są próby kradzieży pieniędzy z karty VISA.Musiałem zablokować swoją kartę VISA bo otrzymałem ostrzeżenie ,że ktoś próbuje mnie okraść!!!
The whole site is a scam. The only real women you will be contacted by are those flogging a hook-up id, those flogging a camgirl, those flogging an escort agency or those generating an email list. Otherwise, all profiles are fake, generated by the site. Avoid this site like the plague
Thank you!!!
i just fucked over 4 of there scammers by emailing them back and after a while (stretched it out good) and dropped that the federal coppers had contacted me. 4 new email adresses
I just signed up for this just now out of reflex, but I never choose to pay. The moment I did, I got messages before finishing my profile. Even got more after giving plenty of details, including my dick size (I do this out of looking for somebody open with fucking with me, no disappointments). Still getting messages very quickly. After reading "fake profiles," it made sense.
The site is a scam. They lure you with a .99 per day rate for three days. What you don’t see is that you are registered for two subscriptions that auto start after the three day trial. Every woman who contacted me ultimately wanted my cell number so she could text me. As a test I gave it to a few. Each, all supposedly local to me, asked me to go to a site to “validate / verify” my identity so they knew I was “safe to meet. The next step was to buy a “Steam” gift card. The value they wanted was $50 – $100. They then wanted me to take a pic of the card and send it via text. This provides them the card # which gives them the ability to use the value. I never bought a card or registered on another site. Yes, I wasted some of my time but was reminded to Always google any sight before enrolling.
My friend (in Finland) went to these pages. He wanted to try special offer for 3 days. So he gave his credit card number and paid. With in one minute he was also charged an extra 29 euros. Soon he was charged 49.99 euros and so on. Finally he had to close his credit card since the account was nearly empty. And in Finnish: älä käytä tätä deittipalvelua, se on huijaus.
I cant enter.piease guide me
Real scam all fakes, not one legitimate profile.