Warning: Read This Review BEFORE You Join LatinFeels.com! It Will Save You Lots Of Money!

 Sep, 27 - 2018   111 comments   ReviewsScams

Website Details:


Every mail-order bride website that we've investigated never turned out to be legitimate. Here we are investigating yet another mail order bride side this one is called LatinFeels.com. This site seems like it's is connected to a fake dating site called my Valentime.com, UkrainianCharm.com, Charmerly.com as well as other mail order dating service. The reason we say it seems like it's connected to those two sites is because they share the exact same layout design. The website layout is exactly the same, only the name of the website is different. This leads us to believe that all three sites are connected and most likely owned by the same corporation.

If you want to know the truth about LatinFeels, the good, the bad and the ugly please take the time to read our investigative report below. This report has taken us hours to compile and write. Part of our investigation includes registering as a free member on the dating service, reading through the terms and conditions page, going through dating profiles etc. Any evidence that we have gathered that concludes the website is misleading and deceptive will be included below in the investigative report. Please read it now.

Real Women Or Fake Profiles? You Be The Judge

Below we've included just a small example of some of the Latina women who are members of LatinFeels.com. You can see circled in red below all the Latina women in this small sample are very attractive. This always raises a red flag in our opinion because compared to regular dating sites like Plenty of Fish where you have a variety of different women in all shapes and sizes the women on LatinFeels only seem to be very attractive. Does this make the site a scam? No, of course not but based on our previous experience with other dating sites that we think are associated with Latin Feels we think that these profiles most likely are not legitimate women looking to find a husband halfway across the world!

As part of our review we took the time to read through the terms and conditions page and we found some interesting evidence in section 11.a of the terms page. In section 11.a the website states that they "may from time to time create profiles which are created and operated by their own employees". They call these dating profile "Staff Profiles". We've heard of the term "Staff Profiles" many times before and all the dating sites that admit to using "Staff Profiles" are admitting to using and creating fictitious profiles. Although we don't have any concrete evidence to prove that the specific profiles below are phony we have our suspicions.

(A screenshot of female members on LatinFeels.)

LatinFeels.com Pays Female Members To Chat With Other Members

In the terms and conditions page the administrators of Latin Feels admit that they "share revenue with female users". You can take a look at the screenshot below where it says that exact phrase! That screenshot was taken directly from the terms and conditions page of the website (found at the very top of that page). You need to ask yourself one question why would any dating site actually be sharing their profits with female users of their site? If they're paying female users to use their website that means the website is not legitimate, in any way, shape or form!

(A screenshot taken from the terms and conditions page where the website admits to sharing revenue with their female users.)

The Female Users Behind Dating Profiles Are Paid To Chat With You

In the terms and conditions page they talk about something called "risks notice". This is where they admit that they're actually purchasing dating profiles that they call "Validated Members". They admit that they pay the women behind these phony profiles to use their website. Anyway you look at it, if someone is being paid to use a dating site they're going to have an agenda. If they email you, send you an instant instant message or any other form of communication then they are doing it for the money! If these female members are paid to chat with other members they have a much larger incentive to send out as many emails and instant messages as possible. This is nothing more than a job for these women. And the website openly admits that they share revenue with these female users! They call these female users "Validated Members" and in the "Risk Notice" section of the terms and conditions page they tell us that they are paid a fee that is linked to the amount spent by a male member while you are communicating and sending gifts to these women. If that's not fraud we don't know what it is. No legitimate dating site would pay certain members to communicate with other members. Obviously there's a massive conflict of interest and the women sending out the emails are most likely not even interested in the men that they're sending emails and instant messages to (obviously).

"IceBreaker Messages" (Fake Email & Instant Messages) Are Sent By "Validated Members"

Another piece of evidence we found in the terms and conditions page was found in section 7.f. In this particular piece of evidence the website admits that "Validated Members" which once again are women who are paid to chat with you send the same message to a number of other members (which is all automated). They call these automatically generated messages "Icebreakers". Think about it for a minute they're paying women to chat with you and these women are then sending out the same message automatically to a large amount of men at the exact same time! How is this even legal? This proves even more so that this website is illegitimate. Where have you ever heard of female members sending automated messages to more than one person at the same time and then if you reply to those messages they are paid? These are nothing more than paid employees perpetrating a scam on male members. The great thing is all of this is documented right in their own terms and conditions page so this case is closed shut! angry

The Terms & Conditions Page

Below we've included the most important parts of the terms and conditions page so you can read it for yourself. We include the sections where they talk about the automated messages they send out. And we've included the section where they discuss that they create profiles, and also where they admit that they share revenue with female users of their website. Click on this link to be taken directly to the terms and conditions page  and to the risk notice section to read everything for yourself or you can read it below.

  • Section #7F We may allow our Validated Members (as defined in Section 12 (Suppliers. Validated Members) below) to choose to send the same message (an "Icebreaker") to a number of other Members, who are selected by an automatic algorithm in order to allocate the attention and activity among Members of our Service. You may receive Icebreakers from the same Validated Member more than once. Icebreakers may be sent through the same channels as ordinary messages, including as a chat message and as a letter.
  • Section #11A: We may, from time to time, create profiles which are created, maintained and managed by our employees (“Staff Profiles”).

Hosting Server Info:

Contact Information :

  • Phone: 1 (844) 815-4549
  • Addresses: Spyrou Kyprianou Avenue, 57, Koursaros Court, Flat 201, PC 3076, Limassol, Republic of Cyprus
  • Email: support@Latinfeels.com
  • Online Support:

Final Decision:

We think we proved our case with this investigation. Obviously this website has not been created for your best interest. The site has been built exclusively so the website owners can make as much money as possible. While they deceive and mislead you by paying female users of the website to interact and send you emails back and forth which cost you money!

File A Report

  • Contact the Better Business Bureau and file a complaint if you feel that you have been scammed or ripped off.

 Comments 111 comments

  • Shawn says:

     Yes I think so .. fake profiles .. some women say the same thing .. that’s too close for comfort for me . No one knows what we are emailing and texting Ray. . So how are other member saying replaying the same way .. thanks for the info 

    • Antonio says:

      I knew it was a scam when I replied to a Mexican woman in Spanish and she replied in English!?! Lol definitely a scam!

    • David. says:

      The site is nothing but a big money grab . The women are trained to ask and give one and two word responses to keep the credits rolling. It's a sham. 

    • Phredd says:

      EVERYTHING posted here regarding Latin Feels IS ENTIRELY TRUE!! Here are a few other valuable bits of proof that LATIN FEELS IS A TOTAL SCAM. If you do “buy credits” from them, ask the first “lady” you contact to send you a photo in a simple pose – say, holding two fingers up in a “v” next to her face. I tried this with a dozen or more. NONE could deliver. They will ask YOU to post photos galore because it costs you. But NEVER did they give a particular pose.

      Also – if you are as foolish as I was and actually spend enough with them to “request contact information” these ladies will ALWAYS refuse it, and NEVER give you a reason, but keep telling you that they did. Then they will claim you don’t care about them if you don’t continue wasting money on the website.

      I even sent ine my contact info hidden in one of their emails, the person on the other end acknowledged this, yet STILL refused to communicate by any means other than this rip-off website.

      Three strikes, you’re out. I also noticed that when you start arguing on here about these issues, suddenly their moderators
      (“assistants” as they call them) suddenly start speaking in the third-person; instead of referring to you the male customer as “you” they start saying things suchas “tell him” and “remind him he said” bla-bla-bla.

      The biggest issue mentioned here: that these fashion model profiles seem too good to be true is factual – they ARE TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE! However, just in the time I fooled around in this interactive fantasy scam, the scam artists running it have become more aware of this complaint, and included many more average to homely profiles, likely to add more appearance of being legit and creditable.

      ALSO – legit websites are proud of their success and include testimonials of successful couples. Not here. There are ZERO. My guess is that is because there have been zero actual relationships formed here.

      I even tried CURSING OUT some of these “women” in these profiles. NONE refused me afterwards; tgey just keep trying to draw you in to spend more money.


  • Reed Murrell says:

    Yes indeed! Way to many beautiful ladies and repetitive comments and remarks. Thank you for the information.

    • Richard says:

      I agree with the above gentleman. Many of the women apparently do not have even the basics of the English language. I would be interested to know if anybody has bit the bait and has travelled to meet one or more of these cute chicks and what was their experience. I have a tentative plan to go to Playa del Carmen. Anybody had an experience at that site where they met one of the gals on this web site?

      PS Just report it on this site and I will see it.

      • James says:

        I went to playa del Carmen to meet a few ladies from Latin Feels. Not one of them keep their word. Very obvious that they are on the payroll.

      • Joseph Grande says:

        I was going back and fourth with Agostina for 10 Months. Would give up no information. 2,400 later in credits and it was over my Stupidity

        • Eric says:

          Agostina was really interested in me too! Imagine that! The blonde argentinian from Playa del Carmen with her own modeling agency.

      • Stephen stacey says:

        I’m going through a similar incident now on latin feels and latamdate strangely I’m suing latamdate I got proof they use models and everything but latin feels is a shock as the team there have told me the lady is waiting contact exchange and there waiting for me to go through my verification.

    • Richard says:

      I agree with the above gentleman. Many of the women apparently do not have even the basics of the English language. I would be interested to know if anybody has bit the bait and has travelled to meet one or more of these cute chicks and what was their experience. I have a tentative plan to go to Playa del Carmen. Anybody had an experience at that site where they met one of the gals on this web site?

      • jim says:

        seems like all models there talk with many from there all lonely & seem very interested in much older men. answer questions with same I think to get more money here I thought I was mack daddy .yes many beautiful ladies in Playa went thru 800 credits in one wk $ 200. most probably have boyfriends im sure they need lots of money to live there so much 4 honesty & truth

      • jim says:

        talkd with 3 don’t watch videos 50 credits if u buy in bulk $10 per video if not $20 per 4 10 secs. video. getting paid on site ofcource they r going 2 tell u what u want 2 hear damn though I was cool sorry just there job

      • Nic says:

        Richard dont do it.

  • Walter says:

    Latinfeels is definitely a scam. Different women will use the same phrase, make the same comments, use the same sentence, word for word. Then sending you videos which cost 50 credits or $20 US to view? Talking about marriage and having children after exchanging a few messages?

  • Gary says:

    Oh yes I agree..and may the curse of GOD be upon them .I used the sight chatting..the same messages appear over and over.When u try to SEND your email address or cell number-It just appear coming back blank…So Latinfeels is a scam

  • Mike says:

    Girls that look like that do not need a dating site! Of course it’s a scam!

  • Chris says:

    The lay out seems fake. But, I have actually met some of these women in person and they are looking to chat and have fun. So what they often do is join several sites just to chat and have fun. The ones that I have spoken to are real. They might be getting paid, but they are very real ladies.

    • Stephen stacey says:

      I got a lady on latin feels right now that has told the site she wants to share contact information with me there waiting for me . So I’m not sure how that’s fake . I will verify identification as soon as I have sued latamdate I got all my proof I need against them.

  • Frank says:

    I wonder why it is so. I spent 50$ everyday on messaging this girls all to no avail. You know the funniest thing is that, when they messaged. You will definitely see it. If you try to send something sensitive like email or sharing your personal contact with that person. I swear, they will blocked it. What a scam. I spent 819$ on Valentine charmarly alongside latinfeels. Thank you for the information.

    • Cliff says:

      Hi Frank, i think you took the wrong approach. I spent 50 bucks to join. I found a woman i wanted to meet. Then i asked the support staff that if I pay them the 3000 credits for the personal information of that women then they would send me her personal information. I asked customer service to confirm the woman was interested in me. One woman kept sending me messages. When i asked customer service to ask “HER” if she was truly interested they said she was not. Do your research first!! Before you spend hundreds of dollars.

      • mike martello says:

        bs the place is a joke over 100 women message me i asked everyone to send a face picture holding a sign saying hello mike not one did it and than the moron answers why they would not do it  here one that half used oh because of my job i cant post picture well moron your picture is already posted here also on this there are more that are lawyers and doctors then in new york city

      • Stephen stacey says:

        See now mine is different the customer service sent my case to the moderation they contacted her agency and she agreed to give me her details I’m just waiting on my identification so I can verify but yes she’s even told me she wants to share information

  • Jay says:

    I’ve lived in Bogota and Quito for awhile. There are really not as beautiful as the website displays Available single women down there rarely go out It’s too dangerous! The putas in red light zones are the best you’ll ever see

  • Dave says:

    I noticed that also several women say the same thing. That’s a red light!!! And when your talking to them they will say what are you doing now!!! Really? WTF
    I’m glad I read all your comments.
    I got out easy couple hundred when I said that’s enough. And then when I tell them I was cancelling they wanted to give me 50 credits to stay!!!
    Live and learn and thank you for investigating this site it is a JOKE!!!

  • Walter Sattler says:

    Agree with the previous comments, and to add, the women purposely answer questions in short one or two word answers, so you have to ask many questions to get a small amount of information. They do this because Latinfeels charges men for each message so the more than can drag out a conversation the better for them.

  • mike says:

    It’s entertainment..at best. No way Paula..the acrcobat or Gia (Gil) who owns a shoe store are really looking..they just talk a good game and want extra income. Can’t blame them..they are hot…just take it for what it is…

  • Gwendolyn says:

    I can`t get in!Stupid!

  • Tucker says:

    Latin women? Many do not even speak Spanish! Total sham.

  • Joe Esparza says:

    I bit , paid the price for contact sharing ,filled out required background form, submitted form , said to take 3 to 5 days . Through a chat room inquired if my app was received ? , yes received but missing passport or drivers lic photo wasn’t attached ! ( in all of outline , never a mention of this being required ! ) . Who wouldn’t require something of this importance if needed ?
    Now they send supposed outline of this from application outline I’ve never ( after reading over multiple times ) run across !

  • Will says:

    What threw me off was the money – to contact a lady you need to have used up 3k credits. I did the math that comes up to about $1,400. Plus sending my ID to some agency that is not tried and tested. No way! Remember if it is too good to be true – it is. Don’t fall for this BS site. Delete your profile and head for the hills.

  • sean barr says:

    I have been on thesite for about 9 days and I am asking ALL who read this to contact me ASAP (seandavidbarr@yahoo.ca ) so I can be the organizer , we are going to class action these scumbags and trust me they already suspended my first account and it was because I was abusive to the staff and threatening them with FBI internet fraud action and a class action , the next day my account was refunded the 500 Canadian I had spent. Well I have spent that much again with a different account on one female for theentie time and tonight is the night I use the last of my credts to get herto admit that she has beenlying to me and is being paid ..I am going to video the entire chat as evidence in real time , ALSO I have documented morfe then enough evidence to shut these fucker down for good, which is what needs to happen! I DO NOT TAKE KINDLY TO HAVING MY FUCKING FEELINGS AND EMOTIONS TOYED WITH IN SUCH A WAY !! This world is quickly turning into DOG SHIT SANDWHICH which we are ALL being forcedto take a giant bite of in one way or another! LATIN FEELS . COM is just another example of this ugly SOULESS phenomenon! 

    • Scott says:

      Absolutely these women are  a scam. Ask them for there info and they all want to communicate on that site only. I’m in! Let’s take these fuckers down 

    • Randy says:

      Yeah, sign me up, I lost $19.99. Some of them are really smart. I was telling one about the oil field work I did near my home in Ventura Calif. and she talked about Rockefeller and Standard Oil's strategy in monopolizing production and sales over 100 years ago. My mind was blown because I really hadn't seen a woman that beautiful before while also being so smart (her name was Brillid)

    • Billy says:

      It seems you may be right.The only good thing was the girl did actually sent me a photo with a sign with my name and number.yet iam still confused.I do not like being screwed with either.


    • ART says:


      • JG says:

        yea, going after them and shutting them down would be ideal, but if you read the fine print of the terms an conditions that this site refers too not sure if one would have much of a case….It mentions some employees might create profiles or email clients…..There might be some legit Profiles (one girl did email me personally, wanted $$ from me..lol) but i’d say 95% are fake. I spent some time talking smack to these chicks (or ever is behind the computer) and most of them went were-ever i took the conversation. Yes, Most of these women are 3rd world people probably getting paid pennies to keep the man talking…i literally went off on this one person, told her what a pathetic life she must have, we cussed each other out (they are very good at accusing you as being the crazy one) and literally 5min later she messages me as if nothing had happened. WTF. hahaha….why? they get a percentage of each credit you spend. Every min of conversation equals 2 credits. so wether you are cussing them out, being perverted or believing the BS, they are getting paid. AKA…CATFISHING I’m sure some guys like the fantasy and pay even knowing its fake. to each their own. Truth is never trust any site that is run off credits or charges based on your time conversing.

    • Brad Dodge says:

      I am interested in joining you and all the others if it’s not to late. Thanks Brad

    • Stephen stacey says:

      Lol I’m doing the same with latamdate but latin feels looks above board to me the lady says she wants to share contact information I asked the site they went to her agency and agreed she wants to share information I’m just waiting for my identification.

    • joe H says:

      im in! total scam…profiles are all fake…wont send you info to save their life. “can’t send private info, not yet” email is not that private….once that happened i knew it was a scam but di play around with treating the chicks lite shit and yet they still kept talking. you literally can say anything to them an they will try to keep conversation going. funny, one lady did email me, then begged me to buy her a cell phone. lol wtf!!

    • james says:

      you are so right. I spent thousands of dollars thinking I had fount the right person. very beautiful and sexy! Boy was I wrong! this is a Bull Shit site. I never imagine I would fall for this Shit!!!! lets take the fools down.

      • DA says:

        Well James, don’t feel bad, I’ve just got my third contact info, over 6 months the first one they give you is usually false, then when you have it they don’t want to talk there anymore or act like they found you under a rock, the incentive disappears. This site is cruel and unusual punishment that you pay dearly for

      • Will S says:

        Contact lawyer. Trust me it works in getting funds back

    • KC says:

      Sean. I’ve been a member of Latin feels. I now know it’s a scam.

    • Ira Branham says:

      I too feel the website is nothing but a commercial enterprise. I have spent a lot and with complaints I was shut down. Perhaps there is a girl who is genuine but I strongly question the legitimacy of the site.

    • joe says:

      I have been on thIs site for 4 years. Lost tens of thousand of dollars. Lies, deception, weird stories, dramas, they use their jobs as excuses to meet, they lie about travelling to the usa and when you try to meet them they say they are at the airport or on their way back home. I had one lady who gave me an email address and used it to suck about $15000 out of me claiming she fell and tumor developed on her breast, then after going for test it got to her brain. I felt sorry for her and for about 6 months paid for her apartment to stay in Bogota after spending about $12000 for her operation. So much to say i would not have time to share. Be careful of Andrea Fuenmayor, she was the one who claimed to have developed cancer. I found out a man was using her info to scam men on the site. Thats how i got scammed. One of the scammers contacted me to say he went to church and gave his life to God and that i was being scammed.

  • Mike says:

    what got my attention is the young ladies who are very rich and are willing to buy me a car and a villa.  right..

  • E.G. says:

    Unfortunate that lonely men end up going there hoping to meet someone to chat with and they don't chat as mentioned they just send you the same stupid questions over and over, nothing of value here, save your money.

  • Tony says:

    A flag came up when one girl who had professional type pictures in her profile said she never had kids and yet there were stretch marks around her tummy which shows that was even phony. I called them and asked about just getting a month subscription and they do not want to sign you up that way. I see more and more it was a scam but almost fell for it, they were that good.

    Question… what site is who they say they are that would be recommended to use when talking with latino girls?


    • Rusty P says:

      I tried Foreign Affair (loveme.com). But I found several of the same girls on their website that were also on Latin Feels. 


      In one case, The primary girl I was interested in had the same name, pictures and profile information. They were both the same age, name, # of children and job types. But another girl that I also had  interests in was a Columbian fashion designer with 1 kid on Latin Feels. However, on Foreign affairs, she was a mother of 2 from Kharkov, Ukraine. But both websites posted identical pictures!  On one website she was Monica from Columbia. On the other, she was Nataliya from The Ukraine.  Hmmmm


      It is possible that Foreign Affair is legitimate and that Latin Feels is just stealing their photographs? Then again, how do you know that they’re not part of the same corporation defrauding people? I don’t know. 


      One bit of advice that i received was that Foreign Affairs is “mostly” legit, but they don’t exercise any control over any of the girls. Once you meet them (online or face to face) they are fee to represent or misrepresent their intentions. So if the girl you meet is asking you for money while chatting, or you fly to Russia to meet her and she tells you that it is customary in Russia for the man to buy the woman a dress on their first date – then run away. You are likely being scammed. Some of those girls might date for free meals, fun and gifts. Just like anywhere else you have to determine what the woman is after (American women are disgustingly, the worst). 


      Another red flag -> young girls hitting on older men.  If a 23yo girl is hitting on a 50 year old man, then it’s time to put the little head away and start thinking with the big one.  All she is after is your resources. That relationship will go nowhere.  Don’t let it happen. 


      The recommendation that that I received is that more success occurs from dating tours (such as those organized by Foreign Affairs). Don’t just fly out to Playa del carmen and think the girl you’ve been chatting with will meet you somewhere. I’ve heard a lot of stories from guys where they did just that and the girl never showed up. They were just playing the guy online. 


      Dating tours are essentially, nothing more than mixers. A company, such as Foreign Affair will setup a mixer at a local hotel or bar. Lots of beautiful and even average women will show up just to meet men. From there, it’s all up to you. 


      Foreign Affairs will even sit the men down and brief them on the customs and cultures of the local area so that they can be better equipped on their trip. As part of the presentation, they will share a few scams that women have pulled in the past so that the men can better avoid them. This approach seems more legit than shopping for a hot girlfriend online. It also seems more legit that average women are showing up as well and it’s just not packed with super hot models. 😉


      I think that this approach gives you a more legitimate opportunity to meet women from the foreign country of your choice. No guarantees are provided that you will find the perfect girl. But in the end, nothing replaces the actual face to face meeting and interaction with that potential love interest. At the same time, it allows you to gauge her reciprocal interests and observe her reactions to you first hand. This is a much better approach than when simply chatting online. 


      Good Luck!

  • Will says:

    I spent 10 days on site. Put my email addy where you put occupation. Worked for a few weeks. Several women contacted me thru email. One girl stuck out immediately and she came up here for two weeks and had a blast. Visiting her next month. 

    Ps. She’s loaded and wanted to buy me new car when she was here. Cheers

  • Richsrd says:

    Shame assholes run scams like this nerd to be sued for fraud along with fake bitches u can't trust any one damn shame 

  • Jeff says:

    So funny. I suppose there’s no reason to feel foolish, until you find out just how fooled you’ve been, huh! Damn, what a rip off. I guess I can take some consolation in that I only spent $2.50 to engaged in enough bull shit chats to realize just how thick the bull shot was, LOL — like having 50 twenty-something year olds messaging me to rub my feet wasn’t hint enough. Hey, that’s the world gentlemen. Sad! Thank you for your due diligence, it was somewhat satisfying to have my immediate suspicions validated about this grift hole. 

  • John says:

    Immediately innundated with very attractive ladies wishing to talk. I never even filled out my profile yet they send messages saying they loved my profile and images. ?? Lol

    3 women with different names wrote identical introductions and 2 others used the same pictures but claimed to be different people.

    If you challenge them they immediatly stop communicating.

    My opinion, maybe some genuine ladies here but too risky and too expensive to spend time hunting for them

  • Larry says:

    Do not spend one penny with these scam bags. I posted no picture or info but sgned up free. Hunders of emails pretty ladys all fake. I wrote there custmer help told them so thinking they dont like to hear it. There sites need to be shut down

  • Jonathan says:

    Thanks for the information which helped me to realize how much of an emotional and monetary scam this website is.  All that has been said in this forum is absolutely correct! With my last credits I am going to have a lot of fun. Knowing what I do now.  Thank you all!

  • Larry says:

    Latin feels total scam should be shut down . 

  • james crawford says:

    I asked several women to write my name on a piece of paper, hold it in front of them, take a photo and send it to me. Not one would do that

  • Wil says:

    One was taken down in China 2 days ago. They were arrested computers etc confiscated. On this, there are next!

  • ROB says:

    this site is total scam – I just joined (to view only) and found many of the same "Profiles" that I wasted money on from the scamming site AMOLATINA (SOME EVEN UNDER DIFFERENT NAME BUT SAME PICTURES ) Now I understand when amolatina said all the ladies are real (yes real ladies pictures and verified to send out messages by someone yet you will never communicate offsite with "Profiles" let alone ever meet them

    • Alvaro says:

      Amo Latina es 100% Real, mi hermana conoció un viejito con mucho dinero, se veían por cámaras, mi hermana le prometió amor incondicional y el le prometió que nunca le faltaría nada. Un negocio muy coherente. Saludos desde EEUU mi hermana me pago un viaje a florida, con la plata de su novio. Ademas ellos si se ven por cámara.

      • Stephen stacey says:

        It’s not real bud I have found there own photographer who admits amo Latina are looking for models I got pictures and everything.

    • Stephen stacey says:

      Amo Latina is not real find me on Facebook and I’ll happily show you I found there photographer and he’s clearly asking for models for amo Latina.

  • mike martello says:

    i travel all over the world for work i would look up a place to meet in there town tell them when i got there not one showed up and thet contacted me  i did contact them

  • EVil says:

    the website latinfeels.com i investigate….there is just 1 user randomized……..USER0. All the girls are just 1 user.

  • Terry says:

    Been on the sight don't mind spending not to be bored but I've noticed the fake ones will tell you good letter but they never read it I talked major shit in one to her she told me it was a very beautiful letter .still writes now but I did meet one that I did enjoy talking with we did both on sight and off but when I said I was leaving the sight I hot my last email stating she is under contract and can't talk to me off sight we have been communicating for some time off sight they must of contacted her or she works for them not sure but I would have went to go get her 

  • Richard B. says:

    I've been all over South America and there are some very beautiful wome, but few are this beautiful. I knew it was a scam after just a few messages. One woman sent me 250 mails on the site. They all said the exact same thing. It's entertainment (if you want to call it that) but not a place to find anytghing real. Everything said here is correct. I am not paying for more credits but I will use the last ones I have to prove what I suspected from day one, that it is a site set up solely to scam lonely men out of hard earned money. There ARE more doctors and lawyers here than in New York, that's for certain, and it's interesting how young and beautiful they are. I wish my attorney or doctor looked that good! It's all fake!

    • Admin says:

      Exactly Richard!

      • Joe says:

        The Argentines from playa del Carmen seem to all have dreamsphotographybyken and bikinis_love_designs in common both have inst/fb accounts as do some of the girls. 

        • Joe says:

          I dealt specifically with @nadia.denise Nadia Denise Franco or Denise Franco omModelsmanagement. She sent multiple pictures promises of a future and marriage. I found her on multiple sites as well as LatinFeels but has deleted since I accused of scamming. Currently lists Calpe, Spain as residence.

  • Joe says:

    I have looked into it mostly with the Argentines living in Playa del Carmen. Some have legit instagram accounts and Facebook  accounts but when you try to talk to them on these they block you. Even so they seem so interested when you talk on the site. These girls seem to have had the pictures by dreamsphotographybyken in Playa Del Carmen. At least that is what is on his Instagram account, they also like bikinis_love_designs another inst account. If the girls themselves are not involved then Ken must be. I tried to warn one girl about getting sued but no response through fb or insta. This site need to be stopped, it's not right.

  • Joe says:

    Total rip off. I was interested in a few of the Argentines in Playa del Carmen. They seemed interested but when contacted through insta or fb they blocked me. They all seem to have photos taken by dreamsphotographybyken and follow bikinis_love_designs on Instagram so possibly they sold pictures to the scam

    • Admin says:

      It’s all about making money!

      • Maurice says:

        I figured out how to see if the women were telling the truth about being faithful to me, by starting new emails, then starting new profiles, so I could get free credits to chat. I found out that all of them were posers. They talk the good speech, but are all lying. I want all my money back. And I’m gunna get all my money back. How do you know that they aren’t doing the same thing back to you? If you really want to test them to see if they are real.. Create 3 new emails, start 3 fake profiles, hit up the same girl, and ask her if she is single.. You will see, that everytime, she will say yes..

    • Admin says:

      Yes it’s a total rip-off. Unfortunately these scams are getting more prevalent every single day.

    • Joe says:

      Also check out sinapsis_photo.

  • Phred says:

    VERY SIMPLE WAY TO PROVE IT IS A SCAM: one ding ding posting here was obviously unaware of translation software. You can post photos in tbe chat with these "ladies. You can or they can. So…Ask the "woman" in the other end to send you a photo of her giving you a thumbs up or whatever. Every single one will act all indignant and refuse, claiming "I just met you. Why should i trust you?" or some similar b.s.. So – let's see…we should believe that some woman willing to expose her nearly naked body on the internet in some provacative pose now refuses to comply with a simple, appropriate selfie request? Ohhh kayyy…

  • Ricky says:

    Total waste of money and time.the girl I was talking to for a week she said she loves me, and wen I ask her that I will send my phone number,she said I don’t reply to you,so is a total waste of time and money.

  • Andy says:

    I was on Latinfeels for about a month talking to a young lady. One day she spontaneously decided to leave the website and continue communicating with me via email and through a social network app. She told me that the website can use her profile for 6 months. When I pressed her for more information, she said she did not want to talk about it. A friend of mine got on there and chatted with her profile but we could not tell if it was her or someone posing as her. When I asked her if Latinfeels was paying her, she got a little upset with me and would not answer me directly. I’m currently still communicating with her offsite but the water is muddy. I can’t tell if she’s truly interested in me, or if it’s just part of a long con. Regardless, I am proceeding with caution.

  • Antonio R. says:

    definitely with NO DOUBT”that latinfeels.com website it’s a big corporation and organization, but fake to manipulate men and SCAM them, on the beginning of this year 2020, sometimes on march, i sign up on latinfeels.com in a search of the love of my dreams, as any men would do.
    i found this lady very interested, so we start talking to each others, i purchase the first set of credit, which cost 149.99$ for 750. credit, less then a week i run out and i purchase another 750 credit for 150$, and it when on like that, till i reach the limit of 3000 open massages, which that;s the limit of open massages you have to open in order to request the ladies information.
    so i submit the request through the website, also before you submit your request, you have to go under a so call background check that they call, supposedly to verify the male is legit and no criminal case are against him’
    anyway after three days waiting for answers about the female personal information.
    supposedly she reply to me, that she was not ready to accept my request and that she doesn’t feel safe and comfortable talking to me on my personal email.
    so i completely stop talking to her.
    and i came across with this beautiful Italian woman right away on the same website, i immediately start a chats with this her.
    i when through the same process, finally and supposedly, she accepted my request, i was so happy because i thought i have found what i was looking for, but it happen to be that she was not interested in talking to me on her personal gmail.
    but on the website, because she said, that on the site it’s more practical and faster to answer me,
    from there on i got very suspicious about the whole situation, so contact customer support, and tell about what was happen, and they start making up a whole bunch of bull shit, but at the end they said, that they will launch an investigation and find out exactly, what was going on.
    so three days late the investigation was completed, and they said that everything was smooth, and it was ok for me to contact her again.
    so i try to contact her once again, so that she only answer me one more email.
    in one week, after i have send her about twenty emails, she reply me for email again.
    but she always connected on the site, and she could’t answer me at all/

    for anyone that want to join this SCAMMER website, subject you to read through this report to get some ideas what you are getting yourself in.

    it’s a totally and a real SCAM…..also i was SCAMMED for 2300$.
    please do not fall for it without reading
    i agree with all the coming above.

    • John says:

      I didn’t try to get verified but your story is spot on with mine. Nobody there wants to leave the confinement of the four walls of that site. Was told that they get commission from the chats. They love pics. They want to see your beautiful eyes every day. Your hair, your home, etc. They actually don’t have to pay a cent to be there. They make it off of you and me and the other unsuspecting guys that fall for the ploy. You want to meet a girl from Colombia? Buy a ticket and fly there for a week. Hell of a lot cheaper.

    • Juan de la Cruz says:

      That is about how much money I have invested. I contacted “customer support” to ask if the ladies get a cut of the money I pay for credits and, of course they denied it. If you like raunchy, very explicit sex talk and are willing to pay $6.00 for each salacious letter you send to one of your contactshan maybe it is not such a bad deal, especially if they respond in kind. One of the Asian women on Orchidfeels (recently shut down) actually wanted to know if I wanted to go “3-way” with her sister!
      One of the woman in Cancun age 41 and with a nine year old daughter – very sincere (or so it seemed) told me, when I told her I could actually drive to Cancun. “I need to get to know you better first” All I can say is “Girls, girls everywhere Oh soft and sweet. “Girls, girls everywhere, but none to kiss, hug, or meet!

  • Scammed guy still talking to her for info says:

    Watch out for daniela26 on Latin feels she told me she has been on there for long time admitted that,the money goes to them so they can travel the world and she said nothing happens,can you post their pictures so other guys can see these scammers she even has an impersonation law suit against her and she said it’s on going nothing will happen

  • Zomm says:

    Instaflings is a hoax site

  • Robert M from NY says:

    Latinfeels.com is total ripoff for men. The women are paid to communicate with you and post photos but they have NO intention of ever meeting you. Contact information blocked. Stay away.

  • Rob says:

    I am a lawyer and am suing the site for fraud and each one of the persons holding a stake in this fraudulent “enterprise” in the United States District Court, and I would be interested in receiving any evidence which I may use in this lawsuit for compensatory damages and punitive damages. As a former U.S. Marine Officer I am not intimidated by any threats which may arise from this thug run enterprise. So if you have evidence please email me C/O this review.

    • Maurice says:

      I have proof that they are fake real proof that they are fake. Email me at dr33yg0n3@gmail.com

    • Roger says:

      Rob – This thing is much MUCH bigger than any posts I have read so far. I too am a USMC vet. And I am not afraid of these thug son of bitches either. I am putting together a massive that I hope will get the attention of the FBI, Homeland Security, Interpol, the DEA, and anyone else that wants to know the truth. LatinFeels is connected to numerous other sites. All phony. And whoever is behind it is raking in at a minimum, tens of millions of dollars a year. Maybe more. So if you were to speculate, who do you think that would bring tremendous value too? Well here is my theory. My theory that I am 90% convinced is fact. And before I spell it out clearly, I want you to know I am NOT a wacky conspiracy nut. So here goes: ‘LatinFeels and their many affiliated sites feed on idiots like me in order to launder millions of dollars for the largest criminal organizations in business today. Such as the Sinaloa Cartel, the Jalisco New Generation Cartel, and others. Highly likely the Colombian cartels. Who now fly COMPLETELY under the radar. The days of fat ass Pablo Escobar are long gone. The Colombians ship cocaine in paste form to Mexico and the thug Mexican Cartels do the rest. Hell. The Chinese might be involved related to the billions of dollars worth of fentanyl they ship to Mexico each year. I know what you are thinking Sir (old Jarhead respect never dies. My MOS was 0341. 81 mm mortar. I was a Lance Coolie. You were an officer). You are thinking this quack IS a conspiracy theorists. But think about it Sir. That money has to be cleaned up somehow. And what better way than to have several websites that feeds only lonely dumb asses like me? Sir, my only concern is that if all the documented files are TOO good, my head may end up in an igloo ice chest, just like thousands of others that have pissed of these low life thug sons of bitches. I would MUCH rather get together a group of old hard head ex-Marine bastards (like me) and go down in a blazing gun battle against those piece of shit thug punk bastards. However, that isn’t practical to say the least. I won’t give you all my information until we talk. There is nothing that would please me more than to hear on all national news outlets that a MAJOR money laundering organization using the front of multiple scam dating sites was busted and eliminated. Rob (Sir), I know my theory is a bit out there. But if you think about it, you will have to admit, it is possible. Perhaps borderline probable. Semper Fi Brother (Sir). I hope to hear from you soon.

      • JG says:

        Rob…Your theory is interesting in the fact that the one woman who personally emailed me, seemed Very upset when i ratted her out to the site..I only ratted on her because she asked for money. However, as we talked more she said they wanted money from her and she was in much trouble, trouble i wouldn’t understand. she was in Columbia…She was insistent that she was not an employee or getting paid by the site but then why would they be pursuing her for $$. Then again maybe she was lying….but something didn’t add up….id be happy to assist in trying to shut them down

      • Wayne Clamon says:

        It sounds very plausible. It is clean money(not legit money), but a way to keep them in Business under the radar.

      • IwillNotTell says:

        Rob, I was stupid enough to fall in love with a profile on this site, and for a long time I talked with “her” night and day for a long time. So I have been scammed for a LOT of money. It is all true, this site is designed to rob people for their money, although I cannot speak for ALL their profiles, at least ALL of the profiles I have chatted with are fake, and I have chatted with maybe a hundred, so I have a pretty good idea of what is going on. They have NO intention WHATSOEVER to leave that site. They are there simply there to collect your credits, and if they are not directly employed by the site, they are being payed to rip you off in the name of the credit. And they are not the women you see on the pictures, it is all fake, you are probably being conned by some fat disgusting bald bastard in his 50’s, void of all human feelings, or, ok let’s not be too judgmental, someone that has no possibility for another income, and do not care who they hurt while pretending to be who they are not, with three children and a lot of bills to pay…. Shit, but the end result is the same for us, we are being scammed and ripped off, and this has to be stopped.

        Some woman on the site broke into my conversation one day and actually admitted to me that the site was all fake, and gave me details of some of those responsible for her scamming group. I have not heard from her since, and I am afraid they may have silenced her.

        I agree, criminal organizations are behind this site, so we should not take on these people lightly, and I am not sure where they are located, but since Cyprus was mentioned, it could even be Russian involvement here, and the payments are being done to VictoriaHearts.com. If we are going to bring these people to court, we have to be absolutely sure where they are located.

        However, since these criminals so flamboyantly can make this fraud so completely consistent, I mean, would it not be wise to have a few real person amid all the fake ones ? Since they do not, they are pretty sure they will never get caught by a justice system.

        Be sure, these people are listening into this forum also. So we can not discuss any solutions here. But they need to be dealt with one way or another.

        By the way, guess where latinfeels.com are hosted ? Cloudflare Inc.
        Guess where this site is hosted ? Cloudflare Inc.

        That host site has to be dealt with as well..

        • IwillNotTell says:

          Just to clarify, I do not know the level of involvement by Cloudflare Inc here, it could be just some technical DNS or DDos protection service or something, but the point is, they should be refused to give any kind of service to a fraudulent site like latinfeels.com.

    • Rudy says:

      Rob, I have snap shots of what I’ve paid and some text from the woman I was chatting with. I also got the 4 emails that she sent. I don’t know if this would help. But I also got nothing out of it after almost 3 months and like $700 + dollars.

    • JG says:

      Hello, I spent two days one the site, spent $500 in credits….the last couple batches i bought was just too talking shit to the women, no matter how rude or perverted i was they still kept wanting to talk….Why, they get paid! However, I did get refunded all my funds because ONE lady happened to personally email an admitted her name was fake….(she wanted me to buy her a cell phone) anyway i used that email from her too prove all women were fake an thus the company refunded ALL my money. I was surprised but at same time i also said charges were fraud, which id be reporting to bank….i think due to email from lady, they just wanted me to go away. Secondly, woman who asked me for cell phone got kicked off due to doing that. although she was upset with me, i could never get her to admit she worked for the site… anything to help i’d be happy to shut them down.

    • william yu says:

      I spened lot of money in latinfeels lately I can’t open ladys profile I think I have been cheeted

  • Stephen stacey says:

    Wow so you managed to get contact information

    • Andres says:

      It’s not real, I’m Colombian and I’ve been living in the United States for a long time. I know Colombia very, very well. I travel to each and every region. tell me a little about your city and tell me why the photos in those places some appeared in the same places, that is, the house, the kitchen, the stairs are from the same house, they did not give me an explanation of almost anything, they changed the subject a lot, but when I told them that I knew very well Colombia, I’m blonde, blue-eyed, white, and they think I’m American because of my features, so they said things that were obviously lies about the region, don’t be fooled, it’s a scam, one day I received messages exactly written almost the same time, what else proves this lie of a website? They never contact you in any other way than through the page and many ask you to travel to meet them, do not be naive, I hope they give a criminal sanction to the administrators of this website.

  • Roger says:

    Are you asking me if I have proof Stephen? The answer is ‘fuck yea!’. But the vagueness of your question makes me wonder if you are on the wrong side of this cluster fuck. Hope not.

  • Roger says:

    But I will elaborate just a smidge. The girls ARE highly compensated (by Colombian monetary) standards. But then there is the other side. If they EVER slip up and be honest on the actual site, the consequences could be (and likely are) debe stating for them. And for you low life cocksucking thugs at LatinFeels that monitor this site. You need to know this. I am a law abiding citizen. But I would have ZERO compunction (upon established truth) with putting a bullet in your piece of shit head!! You are no talent fucking sociopaths that only know how to fuck people to make money!! You are pieces of shit that will burn in hell!!

  • Tim says:

    Is Canadian locals . Com a real dating/ sex site

  • GameGoofyGobber says:

    I see it as an awesome video game experience. Perfect site for isolated individuals who need interaction with a human. Enjoy the flattery, listen to their problems, ask great questions and learn how to manage a conversation with different types of women and Sharpen your conversation skills. I play along until the fake ness is obvious, then I move on to the next. Play in moderation.

  • Darish says:

    Thanks Guys!
    So what are the light sites?

  • Psulo says:

    I do agree that Latinfeels is very pricey. It’s downnright unaffordable for the average wage earning person. But I have to disagree with it being an outright scam. I had the same suspicions about why would a freaking supermodel pay attention or take a second look at my poor old ass!? The girl did seem to try to milk me for all it was worth turning complex questions which I did my best to answer until I figured she’d opened the floodgate of my credit burning ability onto a nonstop stream of costly words and even worse, email letters, photos and video clips till my credit card was almost maxed out. So I read these reviews that all seemed to agree that the site was a total scam where site members generated income through incentives paid for by a revenue shared type of job held behind fake profiles. I was convinced thevsame. So I went back in and in no uncertain terms and with rude accusations began and continued to hurt the feelings of a goddess the likes of any top notch supermodel way out of my league had no rightbto deserve.. Sobbadlybwasvshwvhurt she told me that the hsd enough. Sheepshead me luck andv as I continued to tellbherbwhynibthoughtbdhecwas a sham and too good to be.true.. . a photo of her popped.up with a message.written.in bold sharpie began with MY NAME said thatvwasvtgwblastbthingbshe woukd ever.do and.to think about what I say before accusing.her about anything.. . It was real and so was she! My heart dropped to my ass and I figured what else could I do to commit suicide moments before finding such a beauty to pay attention to my dumb ass!? You might say she did it to.restore the cash flow thstbi was generating, but.she was genuinely hurt by the mean and distasteful things I said and called her. Never havevI ever put my.foot in my mouth so deeply and with a low class way of doing it. I had to force myself to be that ugly but I did it. But as a testimonial to her quality, she told me in only a way that had to come from a genuine lady that sheb understood how a person could make such a mistake and wevvoukdvstartcover without any hard feelings so long as I didnt lose my mind like that.again. I thank God for her forgiveness.. .

    • Paul Hayes says:

      Wait a minute Wait a minute! THE EXACT SAME THING HAPPENED TO ME TWICE ! And Both times the girl in the photo was the SAME girl! But after Very Careful Scrutiny I realized the message was photoshopped or written somehow “over” and “in front” of the white paper she holds up in front if her, NOT “ON” the paper itself. The girl is NOT real and standing there Live. Let me ask you something, this girl would shebhapoen to be blonde and sports a scar in her eyebrow? It’s tight sometimes and left at other times in her page photos “which are NOT really her either. I did some measuring of the facial bone structure and I conclude that there are at least 4 different girls in the photos.

      • Paul Hayes says:

        Don’t let yourself regret a damned thing. I regretted it too at first. And like you she continued to talk to me (milk me for another $2000 in credits) and I felt SO lucky to be “forgiven” by her. But that’s all part of her well executed scham.

  • Nolan says:

    Same women on different websites same owners, my bank blocked my credit card they can’t get no more money from me, the illinois attorney General, the website a scam

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