We Explain How Adult-Locals.com Is Scamming And Ripping People Off

 Nov, 30 - 2015   no comments   ReviewsScams

Website Details:

Adult-Locals.com home page


Adult-Locals.com is another dating site that is redirecting to FreeLifeTimeFuckBook.com. We've done an extensive review of FreeLifeTimeFuckBook in the past and we have determined that website is a total sham, it's not a dating site at all. It is a scam disguised as a dating site to rip off lonely men seeking women online. Please read our review of Adult-Locals.com below.

What Is The Connection Between Adult-Locals.com And FreeLifeTimeFuckBook.com?

Adult-Locals.com has partnered with FreeLifeTimeFuckBook.com to market their fake dating services. For every new member that the registers on FreeLifeTimeFuckBook.com, the owners of Adult-Locals.com receive a monetary commission. It's in their best interest to send as many people as possible to the scam of FreeLifeTimeFuckBook.com so they can make as much money as possible.

Unfortunately people registering on FreeLifeTimeFuckBook.com via the landing page on Adult-Locals.com do not realize that the whole dating site is one big joke, it's totally fake and there are no real women on the site whatsoever.

How To Determine Fake Profiles on FreeLifeTimeFuckBook.com

If you did end up registering on FreeLifeTimeFuckBook and have received email messages and communications from lots of different girls you can use the information below to understand what you're up against. As you can see circled in red the words "Love Stars". If you see those words on any female profiles that are contacting you rest assured that those are fictitious profiles. Even the website admits to this if you read their terms and conditions where they discuss in crystal clear detail exactly what "Love Stars" are and what they entail and encompass.


Here are the most important parts of the terms and conditions copied directly from FreeLifeTimeFuckBook.com's terms page.

  • You understand, acknowledge, and agree that some of the user profiles posted on this site may be fictitious or models or bots related to our "Love Stars" program.
  • You understand, acknowledge, and agree that the information, text, and pictures contained in the LS profiles do not pertain to any actual person or member, but are included for entertainment purposes only.
  • You further understand, acknowledge, and agree that, from time-to-time, LS may contact Website and Services users and members via electronic messaging, including for example, email, instant messages, and SMS, for purposes of encouraging further or broader participation in our site's Services and/or to monitor user activity.
  • You understand, acknowledge, and agree that no physical meeting will ever take place between you and LS, and that the exchange of messages between you and a LS is for entertainment purposes, as well as to encourage further or broader participation in our site's Services and/or to monitor user activities.

Hosting Server Info:

  • Address Of Host: 500 West Madison Street, Suite 801, Chicago, IL, 60661, US
  • IP Address Of Server:
  • Name Servers: NS-422.AWSDNS-52.COM, NS-810.AWSDNS-37.NET, NS-1660.AWSDNS-15.CO.UK, NS-1203.AWSDNS-22.ORG

Contact Information For Adult-Locals.com

Contact Information For FreeLifeTimeFuckBook.com:

  • Phone: 877-597-3436 or 866-952-1215
  • Addresses: 1 Stasinou Ave, Mitsi Building #1 , First Floor, Office 4 – Plateia Eleftherias, Nicosia Cyprus 1060
  • Email: cs@freelifetimefuckbook.com

Final Decision:

If you like being played for a fool go ahead and visit Adult-Locals.com. If you like fake girls and automated messages then register on FreeLifeTimeFuckBook.com. But if you have any brains whatsoever you will forget about these site and look elsewhere to meet real women.

Search For Females

If you want to find real women, then look at these legit dating sites.

File A Report

  • Contact the Better Business Bureau and file a complaint if you feel that you have been scammed or ripped off.

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