Why Are We Getting Emails, Even Though Our Profile Is Empty On UberHorny.com

 Jun, 15 - 2015   47 comments   Reviews

Website Details:

Uberhorny.com home page



  • $1.00 for a 2 day trial subscription to the site.
  • $34.95 for a 1 month subscription to the site.
  • $119.95 for an 18 month subscription to the site.


  • $24.95 for a monthly subscription to the site.
  • $99.95 for a 12 month subscription to the site.


  • Video Chat: Watch and chat with women live through the video chat interface.,
  • Live Girls: Interact with live web cam models on a per per minute basis.
  • Galleries: See nude images of other members of the site.
  • Online Now: You can search who is "online now" according to age, gender, country etc.
  • Search: You can search based on who is "popular" and "new faces" (people who have just joined the site). You can also search based on "who viewed you" (who checked out your profile) and who is "Online Now".
  • Advanced Search: Through the advanced search section you can find people based on the criteria listed below.
  1. Sexual Preference: Find people based on what your sexual preference is.
  2. Gender: Find people based on gender.
  3. Age: Find people based on age.
  4. Location: Find people based on country, city, state and zip code.
  5. Appearance: Find people based on eye color, body type, hair color and race.
  6. Profession: Find people on their profession.
  7. Income: Find people on the income a person makes.
  8. Compatibility: Find people based on religion, the language spoken, as well as their marital status.
  9. Interested in: Search for people based on the type of relationship they are looking for such as experimenting, threesomes, friends with benefits, online flirting, meet in person and open to relationship.

Our Profile Is Empty But We Still Receive Messages, Why?

We said it a million times before but for every investigation we do we make sure our profile is empty. As you can see from the evidence below our profile has not been completed this is purposely done. The reason we leave our profile empty is because logic would tell you that we would not receive any sort of communications, emails, and messages if no one had any clue what we look like. If you're looking for a girl on a dating site the first thing you're going to do is check out her profile, look at her photographs, and then check out their personal information. In this investigation our profile is 100% empty, no pictures and very minimal personal information in the profile. But, still we received email messages from all types of different women.

(we have an empty dating profile as you can see in the evidence above.)

We received numerous messages but when we tried to read any of them we were asked to upgrade to a premium membership. We didn't upgrade, because for our reviews we don't pay for dating sites. Even though our profile was completely empty for this investigation we still received a variety of different email messages. Why would anyone want to email us when our profile was empty, something to think about…


Upgrade To Chat With Other Members

Why do we need to upgrade to chat with other members? UberHorny.com is created to make money, there is nothing wrong with that. The problem is how do we know the girls sending us emails are real? It's just a question and something to think about. You can come to your own conclusions, but you have to wonder why anyone would contact us when our profile is empty? One possibilities is that romance scammers are trying to contact us and anyone else who registers on the site. They would obviously have no interest if what you look like etc. That is just a theory of course.


Hosting Server Info:

  • Address Of Host: 709 Washington Ave Miami Beach Florida 33139 USA
  • IP Address Of Server:
  • Name Servers: ns1.dpnet.com, ns2.dpnet.com,  ns3.dpnet.com, ns4.dpnet.com

SnapSext.com Contact Information :

  • Phone: toll free number 1-855-443-5464 or outside USA +1-310-526-2151
  • Addresses: 705 Washington Ave, Miami Beach, FL 33139
  • Email: support@gpnethelp.com

Final Decision:

The question we keep going back is this, why are we getting emails from women when our profile is void of photos or any information.

Search For Females

If you want to find real women, then look at these legit dating sites.

 Comments 47 comments

  • Subro Gain says:

    I got this site (uberhorny.com) from a landing page – click-connect.com/?a=491&c=168&s1=fresh . So i want to be an affiliator like that. can you help me to get that.

    • Louisedoff00 says:

      What’s weird is I signed up.. Dec272018 Gave no cc info and it’s been three days.. I have 8 pages to go through of messages and I feel like they’re real people… But the again I’m a girl do.. Maybe that’s different. I wanted to delete my account because it’s overwhelming the amount of messages.. The conversation energy.. And I’m horny but I can’t go through with meeting someone it really does feel dangerous and your talking to the freakiest of people lol. I hope I don’t get somehow charged…

      • Blake says:

        Well thats one things you cant be scared of and also make sure at least a couple know where you are or when you get to where you guys are gonna be send your friends your location pin. Or make it to where they can see it the whole time. But lifes all about chances. And you could potentially be missing out on a great fuck or maybe more..

        Howverr you want it to go is between the people. But not everyone is crazy. Remember at some point in our lives, even our best of friends were strangers. Don't be scared to meet people out of your circle.. 

      • Kevin says:

        I feel like you feel I don't have time to meet with with people a lot of times I just need to get one off

      • Kevin says:

        Hey Louise you sound like somebody I would be interested in hooking up with

  • chris hall says:

    i never signed up stop sending emails
    canclel anything

  • Josh A says:

    I all the sudden got this email that i signed up for this site and I never even heard of you guys and theres this account using MY INFORMATION under the user name e4joshalt737 DELETE THIS PROFILE NOW BEFORE I TAKE LEGAL ACTION! I WILL NOT BE BILLED FOR THIS!

  • Rick Summerfruit says:

    So what does that fields are mandatory I'm still receiving messageges 

  • jane bullet says:

    I suddenly got an email from this pornsite i have never heard of saying i have an account there and I don't know how to delete it….. Please someone tell me how to do it?!


  • mark says:


    • Dave says:

      How have you solved the problem? Have they charged you only once? 

    • Bla says:

      I met a girl on Badoo app named Moly. Experienced exactly the same thing besides I did not go forth for my credit card info. Who was the girl told you all of that?

    • J.B. says:

      They just scammed me today for $250 dollars, that i wired over to the phillipines!!! And once i got the reciept, i notice that the U.s. dollars i sent, came to $6,364.82 in currency in the phillipines!!! I've been suckered!!! I was highly upset. But i knew better, i want think with my D**k next time!!!

    • Skyisthelimit246 says:

      You want to file a class action law-suit when clearly your the one that bought in to an obvious scam? Looks to me like they got you fam. Think with your head, not your penis. You have a pretty weak defense.

      • C.Smith says:

        not really, advertisement on the site states it legit and no where does it say "were a scam" so how is the average person supposed to distinguish a fake from a real? because as far as i know these sort of sites exist, so by no means is he responsible for paying for a service he didnt recieve, its called theft and fraud.

    • Justin says:

      youre actually mentally disabled you fucking idiot


  • jonny rocket says:

    holy smokes!  i got laid a ton on that site.

  • jack says:

    i got laid & fucked this badd…..handicap bitch in a wheelchair that had spinners on it she gave the best head i ever had in my life she had a gold tooth she had a small mouth but a really deep throat…..no doubt best day of my life.

  • […] looks strikingly similar to SnapSext.com, as well as UberHorny.com. Why is that? It's because all three of these sites are operated and run by the same dating […]

    • Steveorino says:

      Chatbots are the most common scam I’ve seen in any dating/ hook up site. Ive seen them on every site!!!! Tinder, flirt, p.o.f. 3steps to know if it’s a bot. 1. They sent message when u don’t have a pic or empty profile. 2. They can’t answer u without a ? Try asking them something obvious like. What color is the sky. Just don’t use a ? 3. They are super model hotties. If they were that hot why would they need dating help. I’ve seen porn star photos as the profile pic. But they r now using unattractive pics to seem realistic but the description doesnt match . 3. Theyl messege you, email, text. And as soon as u link to another site the profile goes inactive or just disappear!! Tips to avoid scambots .. never click on a link, they have malware and viruses. Check area code the #is from, how can “come over” n hook up when thier 1000 miles away? Don’t get fooled with age verification. I’m 39 balding and grey bearded. Not mistakable with 13yr olds plus u can change ur photo instantly with a fresh selfie with date on it. All is not lost tho. There are a very small percentage or real womens profiles, but the chance she’s super hot n wants u is slim to none. If they say come to my personal page to talk it’s free
      remember, u already communicated free BENEFITS of Uberhorny… if u just wanna see xxx nudity free, plus some cool features if u upgrade like uploading ur own videos n pics. Makes u feel like a pornstar. Plus they will pay u if ur vids or pics get liked enough. Even if ur not getting any action at least ur dic pic is! I haven’t upgraded yet so I’m don’t sure what it pays out. PLAY the BOTGAME. The second time I communicated with this hot chick 10miles away I figured out if u use the right possitivr key words u can get more photos and sexy interaction. I got 3pics x6 time’s! They got more explicit every time. The programmers r smart tho. Some key words turn boots off. Fake, proof,real, credit card,…. Keep them going with. Ok, where r you. Send pics, I’ll pay. I’ll upgrade. See how many responses u can get.

  • Sitehunter says:

    This is a bogus site. I used a fake CC to log in, they will find that out soon enough. Most of the messages you recieve are from "Paid" people. some are from scammers that want your phone number, they will then lead you down a path and ask you for money. 

    With so many sites, ( I am reviewing a lot of them and will post on a blog soon.) This one by far has been the worst. Buyer beware. 

    • Admin says:

      Thanks for your input of UberHorny.com.

    • J.B. says:

      Yes!!! Yes!!! Yes!!! That right there is clarification!!! Because the one chick i was conversating with kept mentioning her manager, and kept asking when was i going to send the money?!?! And i was dumb enough to do it!!! Damn it, i sure did want to nail that braud though!!! Lol

    • Victor E. Ismyne says:

      Some of the profiles of chicks show a woman who is way too hot and also way too revealing, most women are not going to post a pic of their bare vagina as a profile pic. When I first signed up I used a credit card scrambler app so they wouldn’t have my actual card number and I could put a limit on how much the card could go up to. say 10$ limit so I signed up for the 2$ trial. They kept trying to charge me for the full year membership right away , I have pages and page of card denials from the app. When I tried to upgrade to the one week membership which is like 8$ they must have caught on that it had limits built in and they denied me, kept asking me to use a different card, I tried multiple burner numbers with 20$ limits and same result. If I upped the limit to 100$ they would likely accept the card. They are through with trials at this point and they will only accept a card that can be charged a full year.

  • Sloza says:

    Yup ! 70 % scam . There are real ppl here . But Check out the whos hot game most of the pic are bogus Ive seen them in magazines etc or ther stolen. PPl are listed for 9yr memberes with 32  views Really ?As some others point out messages are often from scammers or i believe from the site to keep you engaged, and as a membership closes you get more activity . Ive had professional ppl that cant string more than 2 words to gether. Waste of f….ing time . Nasty Bast,,,ds. I also was charged twice for a year membership ( I went though there proc.and was refunded). I also had to cancel a cr card because I was getting odd charges.  As soon as cancelled it…. no more charges ,it was the only weird site I had. I still muck around on the site till my membership runs out, I liken it too fishing in a polluted river ! very sparse catches and better to throw them back ! Is a lark .

  • Chris says:

    It's like other sites or apps such as 'Hook up tonight'. I created a free profile without a pic and even got my kik username in the profile name. I had 30+ emails, flirts, friend requests within a few hours and continued to get them over a couple of days. You could see the start of messages sent to you and they all looked generic. I left it and noticed after 2 days I had zero new notifications and haven't had any since.

    I guessed it was fake as all the women looked gorgeous. You e got to remember if they look hot why would they need to be on a dating site when there is a level of danger. They could walk into any bar and pick up any one they wanted.

    All the questions they ask to sign up are ridiculous as well. There was one which asked things like 'will you be discrete?' 'Will you use protection?' 'Are you over 18?' etc and I answered no for all and was still told I had qualified for access. 

    All These sites are rampant with romance scammers and people being paid to keep your interest levels high to continue membership. It's the ID verification that gets people the most. You can get ID verification  free. They are used for businesses as well as online dating etc. Just look up on google. 

  • […] that owns SnapBang.com, SendNudez.com, FuckNow.com, LetsBeSexy.com, MILFPlay.com, FuckDate.com, UberHorny.com, and SnapSext.com. All of the sites use misleading tactics as a method to bait people into […]

  • Anthony says:

    question is where are the legit sites ??

  • Boodylooker says:

    Add wellhello.com to that list too it’s bogus

  • thom says:

    seems like a waste, didn't waste much time and reported fraud on CC so am fine. 


    long and short, stay away 

  • Randall says:

    I joined Uber Horny and have not upgraded. Out of the blue a member sent me an email asking me to email her at "Trishxx101 at gee male dot kom." it appears to be someone trying to beat their system. My concern is how did someone get my email address? When I searched UH no one like her viewed me or messaged. Then I emailed her and decoded her address as Trishxx101@gmail.com

    She replied with sexy pic and a video clip and said she lives in Pleasentville Ohio which turns out to be 20 minutes from me. She has a long reply yada yada and her condition is that I go to a secret websiite that takes your credit card info with no charges, just to verify who you are for real. I'm not stupid. I gave her my number and several times inbetween messges told her to call me first  to prove who you are. She never called.

    I'm not sure if I trust UH. If you don't upgrade they have bots sending you messages even with no pic or filled out profiles. If you don't upgrade, they have a secret attact with someone sending you a email at your addy…fishing for credit card info. 

    It seems there is no good or decent dating sites. I have been on many. Tagged and Hi5 are spamming me every 1 to 5 minutes with fake profiles asking me to join a sex site . . . UBER HORNY. 

    DC politics are all corrupt and so are these dating sites! 


    • Dan says:

      Yo by any chance do you know how to delete the Uber horny account because I keep getting a lot of emails everyday and it’s very annoying because it’s all bots.

  • Drosebud44 says:

    Complete fraud. 100 scammers! Stay away and spread the word

  • rob says:

    The site is pure fraud! These people are low life, 100 percent scum. 

  • Travis says:

    I’ve been trying some sites out there is one little thing I ask them to do I write their username on a piece of paper and take a picture send it to them if they don’t do the same so I at least know who I’m talking to I block them if they don’t

  • Anna says:

    My account had been disabled,all I want to know is WHY DID YOU DISABLED MY ACCOUNT FOR NO REASON?!

  • Victor E. Ismyne says:

    Some of the profiles of chicks show a woman who is way too hot and also way too revealing, most women are not going to post a pic of their bare vagina as a profile pic. When I first signed up I used a credit card scrambler app so they wouldn’t have my actual card number and I could put a limit on how much the card could go up to. say 10$ limit so I signed up for the 2$ trial. They kept trying to charge me for the full year membership right away , I have pages and page of card denials from the app. When I tried to upgrade to the one week membership which is like 8$ they must have caught on that it had limits built in and they denied me, kept asking me to use a different card, I tried multiple burner numbers with 20$ limits and same result. If I upped the limit to 100$ they would likely accept the card. They are through with trials at this point and they will only accept a card that can be charged a full year.

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