WildBuddies.com Uses A Variety Of Methods To Scam People

 Sep, 03 - 2014   19 comments   ReviewsScams

Website Details:

WildBuddies.com home page


  • $5.97 for a 3 day trial membership.
  • $45.98 for a 1 month membership.
  • $96.99 for an 3 month membership.
  • $137.94 for an 6 month membership.


  • Search: Find people according to gender, age and location.
  • Online Now: See who is online now.
  • Newest Members: Check out who has recently joined the site
  • Mail: Send and read email from other members through this section. You can only read emails if you upgrade.
  • Activity: See who sent you winks, SMS text messages and who viewed your profile through this section.
  • Chat rooms: Chat with other members through the chat rooms page.

Fake Chat Messages Within 20 Seconds Of Signing Up On The Site.

It didn't take long for this site to be identified as a scam. As soon as we finished registering as a member on the site we received a phony message from "Millie32" (see evidence below). We didn't even finish the profile and we never even upload any photographs however within 15 seconds of signing up on the site we got a chat message. This is a record for being the quickest fake response after signing up on a site that we have received so far. WildBuddies.com wasted absolutely no time in sending us messages from fake women. With our experience with dating reviews it was quickly evident that this site was going to be a scam.The truth is no female named "Millie32" is sending us a message, it is all fake. Using sophisticated software this site along with many others can trick people into believing they are getting messages from local girls. In reality no one is sending you messages except for a software program that is designed to impersonate a real person .

chat message

After about an hour on the site the chat messages continued, the result is what you see below. These type of messages will continue non stop until we cancel your account. It easy to see how deceptive marketing like this would work. Eventually if you don't know it's fake you would probably give in and upgrade. If you're there to meet women and messages such as these continue getting sent to you then it's going to peek your interest. If you try reading the message you need to upgrade and this is how they dupe allot of men.


Email Messages

Emails are another method that fraudulent dating sites use in order to deceive people and trick them into paying for a membership. Within 15 minutes we received the phony email message (see evidence below). The same as chat and SMS text messages these email messages are completely automated. No one is actually sending you emails back and forth, although it may appear that way. If you try to read the email message you are automatically sent to an upgrade page where you're asked to pay with a credit card. That's how this scam works and it tricks thousands of men into upgrading to a useless paid monthly membership.


Fake Winks

Also any winks we received  from good looking women were completely fake as well. The "winks" work the same way as fraudulent emails do. "Winks" are designed to grab your attention and get you curious about who is interested in you. Eventually a girl will catch your eye and then you will want to send a message to them. When we tried to send them a message the web site asked us to upgrade before we could reply and communicate to that person. You are required to give them your credit card information in order to send a message to the girl who "winked" at you. The only problem is that the girls sending us the "winks" (see evidence below) are not even real. It's all a scam to get you to upgrade.

fake winks



Hosting Server Info:

  • Address Of Host: 5Th Floor, 7 Castle Street, Midlothian, Edinburgh, Eh2 3Ah, GB
  • IP Address Of Server:
  • Name Servers: ns1.p03.dynect.net, ns2.p03.dynect.net, ns3.p03.dynect.net, ns4.p03.dynect.net

Contact Information :

  • Phone: 1-800-489-6091 or 0844 482 9585
  • Addresses: Vincenti Buildings 28/19, Suite 1374, Strait Street Valletta VLT 1432 Malta
  • Email: support@wildbuddies.com

Final Decision:

This website uses the same deceptive tactics as many of the sites that we have reviewed, in order to get you to upgrade. Fake female profiles, phony emails and fake winks are all used to get you to purchase a monthly subscription. This concludes our review, all the evidence speaks for itself.

File A Report

  • Contact the Better Business Bureau and file a complaint if you feel that you have been scammed or ripped off.

Search For Females

If you want to find real women, then look at these legit dating sites.

 Comments 19 comments

  • […] is associated with WildBuddies.com, NaughtyDate.com and DoUWant.me which are sites that we have reviewed recently and reported to be […]

  • Jacob says:

    I signed up for wildbuddies to try and meet dome singles in my new town. After about 3 hours I was told I would be charged with fraud and was told I need to send money to a place in the Philippines in order to pay them properly. And have been threatened with being arrested if I do not comply. I do not wish to pay because all I found on the site was a bunch if spammers and I believe this to be a scam too but I need help in dealing with this if anyone has any advice pls email me a
    @ slurpieboy101@gmail.com also the gentleman who is threatening me has an email on Gmail as well it is nigawhattodo22@gmail.com you can see y I would believe this to be a scam please help sincerely jacob.

    • Charles nzube says:

      you are 100% right . The same thing happen to me 

      after i reguster i have been getting fake wink and massage from women . When i ask them a question the tell me something else that have nothing to do with the question . Even when i get up at 2am and i text the person i emmedaitly get a respon that those not have anything to do with the question . I live in toronto . And when i respond  to thise people leaving in toronto to call me and ask them to block their number if they are unconfortable of letting me know their nimber i never again from them . How comes apple app store promote this . 

      They scam me mote than 40 dollars and i have to get my money back 

    • Keith says:

      It is amazing just bow many of these sites threaten to charge you for not becomong a full member. Most of them are a bunch of clowns.

  • […] Fuck-With-Me.com is a domain being used exclusively to promote and market adult dating scams. In this particular case the dating scam they are promoting is called WildBuddies.com. Wild Buddies is a dating site that we have reviewed and exposed for fraud last year. The dating scam is still running and they have various partner sites promoting their rip off via adult tube video sites. Fuck-With-Me.com is buying banner ad space on various adult sites and target mobile phone users just the same as they would a regular computer user.   As technology evolves so do the way online scams operate. Many of the same scams that we have exposed last year are now turning to smartphones and targeting smartphone users for their elaborate rip offs. The reason that we have called out WildBuddies.com as a scam is because of their use of automated bots, and computer generated emails and instant messages. On top of that pretty much every single profile of women on the site is 100% fake and has actually been created by the staff of WildBuddies.com. You can read our extensive review of WildBuddies.com by clicking this link. […]

  • FUCKOFF says:

    i have made a complaint gaianst your services your a bUNCH OF SCAM ARTISTS AND THIEFS

  • Sharon P says:

    My husband and I happened upon this site as we were searching for adult videos to view.  We were utterly SHOCKED to discover that one of the profiles username "Miss" was using MY PICTURE my location, age, sexual orientation and ethnicity.  We even received one of those FAKE messages from her profile.  WTF how can this be? Anyone tell me how/what recourse I can take and how can I get them to remove my info and pics from this site? And does this mean OTHER similar sites could be using my info and pics as well.  Isn't this legally considered libel ?

  • Alex love says:

    I joined up on wild buddies, it was first time trying online dating I paid to upgrade then after talking to a few so called people I decided I wanted to meet this one woman she sent me to admin to get me this security verification ID, thinking it was all legit I got a prepaid card and they took 194$ and now the woman and the administration won't even message me back. Is there anyway I can get my $ back?

  • Sean Adams says:

    I wish to cancel my wildbuddies acccount.

  • Paul Thompson says:

    Thank you. 

  • Paul Thompson says:

    Oh, the comments  and their paragraphs  could be dated for even more information. 


  • pat says:

    well stupid me tried it speaking to woman in my area when u sort out the junk u get to talk to some people conversations last betwween 20mins amd 30 mins then comes the excuse reckon that these people are being paid to talk for short periods to keep u intrested in the site this has happened about 10 times now in 3 days i am a 53 year old man an being contantly contacted by good loocking  women in the twenties even i am not that stuoid cancelled membership u cant do it on line u have to call or they will auto bill u for the next mont yep SCAMMERS oh well cant always make good desisions


  • Rick says:

    I hate being a man… dating is truly impossible for us men. Females are assholes, or solicit prostitution is the only way, which I do not want, ..is the only way to get a white or other race, attractive female to even talk to you. Females make really truly rare great men hate females and have to give up. These sites and apps are useless for us men. Especially us truly rare great men that wanted interracial dating-slim slender petite attractive actually local. Females just don’t care what they do 

  • […] SpicyDesires.com, NaughtyDate.com, IWantBlacks.com, Together2Night.com, SnapRendezvous.com and WildBuddies.com,. These are just a few of the phony dating site operated by Together Network Holdings that we have […]

  • David Gordon says:

    Your a scam so quiet calling me or I'll report you to the better business bureau

  • Dale Chesley says:

    Wild Buddies tries to get you to use all their sister sights each billed the same as wild buddies. The same women on each differently named site at way different distances.  These gals had Lear jets I guess. They would go from 5 miles to 50 faster then a few clicks of the smart phone. I think a few of the hookers are actually real though. It's a bait and switch company billed to The British Virgin Islands now. Never got anyting but pissed off. 

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